ChildLine Peter Liver Director of ChildLine Services
A 25 year journey Over 1 million calls a year Over 1 million visits to the website last year volunteers 12 bases Over 75,000 contacts answered by counsellors last month
Promoting the voice of young people
London Cyber conference
Promoting the voice of young people Taking part in consultations (face to face, through message boards) Influencing in the media Sharing insights ChildLine casenotes and reports Working with government and key stakeholders
Law reform Daily Mail: 24 th August, 2012
Where we have successfully influenced changes in law Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act and the Protection of Freedoms Act Section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 Abolishing reservation on article 22 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Amendment Act (England and Wales) 2002 Education Act (England and Wales) EU Directive on Sexual Abuse
Raising awareness of key issues
Self harm: March 2012
Raising awareness Partnership working Media activity Celebrity support 38,000 page views 29% increase in contacts about self harm Outreach activity
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