1 Korean Activities in IR Space Missions - Past, Current and Future - Woong-Seob Jeong 1 on behalf of Korean Infrared Astronomy Group 1 KASI, Korea Ramada Hotel, Jeju, 2 nd AKARI Converence, 2012/02/27 ~ 02/29
2 Infrared Projects in Korea Experience in the near-IR space instrument Data analysis & scientific research in IR range Space IR Ground IR KASINICS Ground Near-IR Camera PSICS IR Cryogenic System CIBER Near-IR Camera AKARI DR Pipeline Science Collaborations MIRIS Compact Space IR Camera IGRINS Ground Near-IR Spectrometer
3 Participation to AKARI Project Development of data reduction pipeline Collaborative Work: ESA, ISAS, SNU SNU: optical simulation, observing simulation, modules of data reduction pipeline for FIS (Far- Infrared Surveyor) Simulated images
4 Scientific Products from AKARI 90 m point source map SNR detection in LMC Sky brightness 9 m CIB detected in NEP Field
5 Technical Development (1/3) Development of our own IR instrument: KASI Near-Infrared Camera (KASINICS) Optical system including mirror Mechanics and cryogenics Electronics
6 Technical Development (2/3) Scientific observations with Bohyun FoV : 3.3’x 3.3’(pixel: 0.39”) J, H, Ks, L, H 2, and H 3 + bands (Gupta et al. 2009) (Burrows et al. 2011) NIR Light curve of Sw J
7 Technical Development (3/3) Proto-model of space infrared cryogenic system (PSICS) Small mechanical cooler Cooling system down to 77K Space use
8 Space Observation Program Science & Technology Satellite Series in Korea 1 st satellite: FIMS (Far-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph) (2003) 2 nd Satellite: Observation of Space environment by Korean Launcher Naro 3 rd Satellite: MIRIS (Multipurpose Infrared Imaging System) (Seon et al. 2011)
9 ST-Satellite III Primary payload : MIRIS Wide-Area Survey in Near-Infrared Galactic Plane Survey in Paschen emission line Observation of Low Background Region in Wide bands MIRIS
10 Specifications of MIRIS Specifications of Space Observation Camera Wavelength: 0.9 ~ 2 m − Aperture: 80 mm Detector FOV: 3.67 o x 3.67 o (Pixel : 51.6 arcsec) (c.f. Nyq. 1.6 m = 4.1 arcsec) → limited by satellite stability Telescope & Sensor Temp.: 180K (Passive Cooling), 90K Filters (5 filters) I (1.05 m), H (1.6 m), blank Pa (1.876 m), Pa Cont
11 Pa Emission Line Survey Galactic Plane, WIM Origin of Warm Ionized Medium Previous study of WIM: Photoionization model Recent study of WIM from FIMS: dust scattering Verification of the dust scattering theory Physical Properties of Interstellar Turbulence Observation: Pa survey Comparison between Pa (MIRIS) vs. H Monte-Carlo simulation Uniform dust distribution; E(B-V) = 0.1 Point source or Spherical H II region
12 Observation for CIB Cosmic Infrared Background in Near-IR band CIB from POP III stats Spectral peak of CIB Large-scale fluctuation of CIB Matsumoto et al Large-scale structure of CIB from IRTS observation residual_summary IRTS/NIRS model by Totani et al Totani et al Bernstein et al DIRBE/COBE Wright and Rees 2000 Fazio et al Madau and Pozzetti 2000 Cambrecy et al Surface brightness (nW/m 2 /sr) Wavelength ( m)
13 Calibration purpose: 2 orbits /day Simultaneous observation of NEP & SEP in 1 orbit Monitoring of ZL in SEP and NEP: I & H bands Revision of ZL Model & Removal of ZL component Zodiacal Foreground
14 CIBER Sounding Rocket Payload Imagers Wavelength: 0.9 ~ 2 m − Aperture: 110 mm FOV: 2 o x 2 o (pixel = 7 arcsec) Sensor Temp.: 77K Filters (2 filters) I (1.0 m), H (1.6 m) Spectrometers LRS (Low Resolution) NBS (Narrow Band)
15 Future Project Ground telescope: GMT Space Telescope Synergy with GMT International collaboration New technical challenge SPICA Project Near-infrared instrument (heritage from MIRIS)
16 Summary International collaborations in the big projects Large Infrared Space Telescope in Korea Space IR Ground IR KASINICS Ground Near-IR Camera PSICS IR Cryogenic System CIBER Near-IR Camera AKARI DR Pipeline Science Collaborations MIRIS Compact Space IR Camera IGRINS Ground Near-IR Spectrometer SPICA FPC CIBER II GMTNIRS GMT Near-IR Spectrometer