Semi-Private Boat Ramp Facility and Conservation Area Impact Permit Requests Isles of Lake Hancock Homeowners Association, Inc. District 1 July 28, 2015 Environmental Protection Division Environmental Protection Division
Location Map Isleview Drive.
Location Map – Aerial Photo
Proposed Location 0.25 acre navigation corridor
On Site Mitigation Area Enhancement Area Lake Hancock
Off Site Mitigation Area Proposed Mitigation Area (2.32 ac.) Latham Park Mitigation Area Previously Encumbered Mitigation Area Remaining Mitigation Area
Variance Requests The applicant has requested four variances to the Boat Ramp Code: 1. Section (b)(8) (companion dock width). The Code limits the width of the companion dock to four (4) feet. The applicant proposes a dock width of twenty-four (24) feet for the mooring area and five (5) feet for the access walkway. EPD supports this request. 2. Section (b)(9) (sheltered structures). The Code states, “boat houses and other similar sheltered structures proposed to be built in conjunction with a companion boat mooring dock are prohibited.” The applicant proposes a gazebo at the landward end of the companion dock. EPD supports this request.
Variance Requests 3. Section (b)(14) (letter of credit). The Code requires, “the applicant to post a one-year irrevocable letter of credit, in favor of Orange County, in the amount of ten (10) percent of the assessed value of the boat ramp facility site...” The applicant proposes to provide a cash escrow, in the amount of ten (10) percent of the cost to construct the boat ramp facility, multiplied by 125%, in lieu of the required letter of credit. EPD supports this request. 4. Section (b)(20) (no more than one ramp per subdivision). The Code states, “there shall be no more than one (1) boat ramp per subdivision...” The applicant has stated that since the existing boat ramp is on an interior man- made ski lake, and the proposed boat ramp is on Lake Hancock and that navigation between them is not possible, that the request for a variance is reasonable. EPD supports this request.
Existing Conditions
Action Requested Approval of Semi-Private Boat Ramp Facility Permit (BR ) with approval of the four (4) variance requests, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Approval of the Conservation Area Impact Permit (CAI )(CAI ), subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. District 1
Environmental Protection Division Environmental Protection Division 800 Mercy Drive Orlando, Florida FAX Mercy Drive Orlando, Florida FAX
Independence Boat Ramp Location Isles of Lake Hancock Boat Ramp Independence Boat Ramp Objector Location