Framework conditions for establishing work based learning: Some lessons from in-company learning arrangements Dr. Ludger Deitmer, Universität Bremen Institut Technik und Bildung (ITB) Productivity, Investment in Human Capital and the Challenge of Youth Employment Universita Degli Studi di Bergamo
My Focal Points The importance of in-company training Work based learning Current tensions Typical example on tensions Surveys Measuring the quality of work based learning? Conclusion and Recommendations
Importance of in-company training The company: The primary learning venue with a major impact on apprentice or trainee Germany: 2/3 of the training and working time in the company Main target is to develop an „holistic“ expert in an vocational profession e.g. mechatronic, industrial electrician; this by integrating practical and theoretical knowledge
What makes work based learning? Work based learning emerges know how; know that and know why Vocational Know-how (Knowledge, Skills and Competences) develops through active participation of Novice in authentic work and business processes. Is based on self regulated completion of work task and by a limited extend in an simulated learning arrangements (e.g. training office; training company)
„Our apprentice‘s are in the middle of company action“ Putting apprentices on central path Following the production process throughout the company
process oriented vocational training Order design Negotationcustomer NegotationcustomerTechnical & Work planningTechnical planningTechnicalproductionTechnicalproduction ImplementationcustomerImplementationcustomer … work flow and business flow processes
Inherent tensions within work based learning understanding 1.Apprentice-Learner is not ready for this 2.More traditional in company training centres get smaller or close down 3.Too little active participation in real work processe 4.Too little planning of the training course 5.Missing feedback culture by collegues 6.Missing participation in greater work orders
typical company example material flow systems Customer: Car industry
problems in training : training workshop closes down because Meister get on retirement Missing comprehensive and legal adjusted training plan for apprentices deficit: apprentices lack overview and good understanding of business process qualities Vocational learning too narrow Where are the key work task which should be learned to meet the occupational standards?
Individual learning ‚road map‘: planning of training schedule
Framework condition: personal guidance by trainers or co-trainers Training skills: enable & encourage learning; enhance knowledge and skills by professional work and learning task Coaching skills: support personal learning strategies of VET-student/apprentice Guiding skills: guiding students' learning paths by in-company training plans Empowering skills: support self-direction, personal responsibility and reflective capacities by self-evaluation and qualitative examinations
Learning venues work in parallel worlds School learning programme without relation towards in company work and business processes Learning venues are just little connected Here the school learning – there the company learning CompanyCompany Vet school
Assessment of the quality of cooperation of school and enterprise by 1500 apprentices & trainees in over 40 occupations (IBB 2008)
Key problems (BIBB 2008)
Trainer capabilities Shaping of teaching and learning Monitoring and Feedback Material conditions Coordination with school The technical equipment represent the latest standards. Training material and teaching books are available The trainer have good knowledge of the technical subject. The trainer are also good teachers The apprentice undertake real work task for the company. The apprentice know reponsible contact person Mistakes within work are tolerated. There is enough time for testing and preparing for work Apprentice receive clear work orders. Work results of app. are assessed and feedback is given Good work is honoured Regular fedback on apprentice performance Mutual projects undertaken between company and school. Coordination between company training plan and school curriculum 5,5 4,8 4,7 4,6 5,4 4,9 5,24,8 4,64,2 4,64,0 5,1 4,6 4,83,8 5,4 4,0 3,93,5 5,04,4 4,04,8 2,0 2,4 3,62,7 Trifft bei uns nicht zu Trifft bei uns zu 6000 apprentices: 15 occupations; Source: Ebbinghaus/Krewerth/Loter 2010; //
What is QRC Quality, Returns and Costs ? QRC is an online self evaluation tool for practioners. QRC is based on concrete key questions to trainers and co-trainers. QRC enables companies to self-estimate costs, returns and the quality of apprenticeship. QRC has a double function: diagnosis and research
The Ilsemann QRC Spider 1 year light brown, 2 year blue; 3 year green; 4th year light blue Learning in the workplace: experience - based learning Professional level of training: core working task Self regulated learning Learning in work processes (PDCA circle) Vocational committment
2. Professional level of training (good: 2,33) 1. Learning in the workplace (very good: 1,33) 3. Autonomous/independent learning (good: 2,00) 4. Learning in work processes (good: 2,00) 5. Professional competence (very good: 1,45) 6. Vocational committment (very good: 2,15) Average rankings of one company Average rankings of other companies Illustration of TVET quality: spider diagram under six quality criteria
Example of a quality diagram in the apprenticeship of industrial clerks in Bremen strongweak 3rd year2nd year 1st year 3rd year
Years of apprenticeship Model: Increase of apprentice productivity over training time Niveau of skilled workers ,5 2 2,5 3 Phase 1: vocational orientation Phase 2: rising competence development Phase 3: reaching proficiency 0,5
General recommendations Maximising learning time on real company work orders Comprehensive work task with planning and preperation as well as assessment after work completed (Feedback!!) WLT as a part of the companies business process based on common quality standards Different kind of work and learning task (WLT): beginners, advanced beginners and young experts (Roadmap!) Online training log book as a learning process in itself Self assessment of individual learning makes external assessment by others nescessary The use of Tools (QRC) can help to support and analyse whether the work based learning is working in the company.