Welcome! Today is Monday, April 21, 2014 F ail notices will be mailed out Friday. Service and Study tours meeting tomorrow. Please: turn off your phones and put them away, take out your: annotated history packet journals copy of the class novel, writing utensil, put backpacks on the floor, and Prepare your journals for a Good Grammar Lesson
Good Grammar: Commas Review 607/1/ Purdue OWL PowerPoint presentation: Clauses and Phrases What is a clause? A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a verb that complement each other. What is a phrase? A phrase is a group of words that does not contain a subject or a verb that complement each other.
Commas: Independent Clauses True or False? The subject and verb must form a complete thought to be considered an independent clause. SAMI students listen. subject (S) verb (v) 8/1/ What is a compound sentence? A sentence that contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction is called a compound sentence.
Comma Review What are the conjunctions? – For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so 6g
Commas: Dependent Clauses A dependent clause contains a subject and verb, but the clause cannot stand independently. Dependent clauses can often be identified by the use of dependent clause markers. because since when while until if as though although unless after before once whether
Commas: Dependent Clauses Dependent phrases and clauses help to clarify and add detail to an independent clause. Dependent clauses may appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
Commas: Dependent Clauses When a dependent clause is placed at the beginning of a sentence, place a comma between the independent clause and the dependent clause. Dep. clause S V Before he took the test, Dan struggled with Conj. S V his homework, so his father helped him.
Commas: Independent Introductory Clauses Where would you place the comma in the following example? S V Because it was raining we decided to go to the movies.
Commas: Introductory Clauses You would place the comma here… Introductory clause S V Because it was raining, we decided to go to the movies.
Commas: Dependent Clauses When a dependent clause is located after an independent clause, do not place a comma between the two. S V We decided to go to the movies because we were bored.
Today’s Learning Goals We will be able to better understand why Native Americas experience so many challenges on the reservations and how oppression affects identity and relationships. Progression of Learning We will discuss the history of Native Americans after contact with Europeans. We will discuss the development of the characters Thomas and Victor
Prioritizing Historical Events In your small groups, pick the five most important events in the history of Native American oppression by Europeans and European Americans and explain why they are the most important in your journals. As you are working, I will check your reading journals and the annotation of the History article.
Pick 5 1. Most important 2. Second most important 3. Third most important 4. Fourth most important 5. Fifth most important
Smoke Signals Turn to your neighbor and tell them your favorite part of the movie and one thing you learned.
Character Development Tracking: Victor VictorHow it was at the beginning: What changed it: How it was at the end: Something he learned: His self- image: His relation- ship with Thomas: How he feels about his dad:
Character Development Tracking: Thomas ThomasHow it was at the beginning: What changed it: How it was at the end: Something he learned: His self image: His relationship with Victor: How he feels about his parents/ other
Fist to Five I better understand why Native Americas experience so many challenges on the reservations and how oppression affects identity and relationships. Homework Outline your Socratic Seminar paper In the Pagoda tomorrow. Set the tables up in a “U” formation. Bring in your camp forms. Vocabulary quiz on Thursday
Effective Note-Taking Format Chapter Title and page numbers (One Page for Each Chapter) Text Evidence in the form of quotes “………………” (Junior, pg. 14) Reaction to each quote This quote makes me think……… This actions shows me…… I’m wondering……….. Vocabulary Words and a quick summary of the chapter Information to answer the Essential Questions: What is his identity and how does it develop? and How does it affects the decisions he makes?