National Demonstrators Summit 07 February 2011, Roma - Italy 07 February 2011, Roma - Italy
Objectives To share about Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) and Forest Carbon Monitoring system (FRA) and Forest Carbon Monitoring system of Nepal; and of Nepal; and To Justify Nepal’s endorsement in GEO FCT mechanism. mechanism.
Outlines General about Nepal Need for forest monitoring for carbon accounting in the country FRA Nepal Project and Its objectives Approaches for forest and carbon monitoring Institutional and programmatic aspect of REDD+ Nepal: A Candidate country of ND on GEO FCT.
Nepal: An Overview Population: 29 Million Area : 14 Million ha Elevation: 50 M M
Land use in Nepal
Need of Forest Monitoring for carbon Accounting REDD+ mechanism demands new data set on forest cover and biomass change. Nepal is a REDD country of World Bank FCPF and observer country of UN-REDD Programme. REDD readiness processes is underway. Country has to reveal its reference scenario and institutional arrangement for MRV system. In this backdrop, FRA Nepal Project is facilitating for forest Carbon Monitoring at National Scale.
FRA Nepal Project and its Objectives A bilateral cooperation between Governments of Finland and Nepal for five years ( ). Finland and Nepal for five years ( ). Total Budget is 5.8 million euro. FRA Objectives Updating forest resource data required for forestry planning and international reporting. planning and international reporting. Institutionalizing forest monitoring and forest carbon tracking system. tracking system.
Approach of FRA & Forest Carbon Monitoring REDD Readiness
Inventory design: Stratified two phases systematic cluster sampling Stratified into five physiographic region
First phage sampling : Visual interpretation of Images Overlaying of 4Km*4Km systematic grid Designating about 9267 sample clusters Visual interpretations on more than plots Visual inspection of sample plots is done by using Google earth and Topographic maps Google earth and Topographic maps During the visual inspection FAO Land use class is followed to categorize the land use class of the followed to categorize the land use class of the individual sample plot. individual sample plot.
Allocation of systematic sample clusters
Field Inventory : II Phage Sampling Field Inventory : II Phage Sampling Selection of accessible forest identified from Selection of accessible forest identified from visual interpretation. visual interpretation. Designation of more than 450 clusters and 2500 Concentric Circular sample Plots over 2500 Concentric Circular sample Plots over the country. the country. Assessment of forest resources (forest, biodiversity, NTFP, TOF and Forest Carbon biodiversity, NTFP, TOF and Forest Carbon Stock). Stock).
Circle Plot Line Inventory 150 m 300 m Cluster Design
Cluster Location : Google Earth View 1
Plot Design R1=20 M R2=15M R3=8 M R4=4 M
Forest Carbon stock Assessments Measurement of Biomass (above-ground and below-ground biomass) below-ground biomass) Dead organic matter (dead wood and litter) Soil Carbon (organic matter) Land use change (Forest to others and vise versa) versa)
Institutional and programmatic aspect of REDD+ Nepal’s REDD readiness preparation proposal (RPP ) approved ) approved. World Bank is going to allocate 3.4 million US$ for its implementation. implementation. Developing Reference Scenario, MRV system and capacity building are the key issues. capacity building are the key issues. FRA project is facilitating to generate data required for REDD+. for REDD+.
Apex body : Chaired by the Minister of MFSC Apex body : Chaired by the Minister of MFSC REDD Working Group: Chaired by Forest Secretary REDD Working Group: Chaired by Forest Secretary REDD Working Group: Chaired by Forest Secretary REDD Working Group: Chaired by Forest Secretary REDD Forestry and climate Change cell: Headed by Joint Secretary REDD Forestry and climate Change cell: Headed by Joint Secretary REDD Forestry and climate Change cell: Headed by Joint Secretary REDD Forestry and climate Change cell: Headed by Joint Secretary FRA Nepal Project FRA Nepal Project FRA Nepal Project FRA Nepal Project Ministry Ministry Ministry Department of FR and Survey (DFRS) Department of FR and Survey (DFRS) Department of FR and Survey (DFRS) Department of FR and Survey (DFRS) REDD Multi-stakeholders forum REDD Multi-stakeholders forum REDD Multi-stakeholders forum REDD Multi-stakeholders forum Institutional Setting of REDD* Governance
Institutionalization of MRV of REDD+ All sample points (within 9267 clusters) interpreted in the First phage sampling will be interpreted in the First phage sampling will be recorded to assess change overtime. recorded to assess change overtime. All sample Plots (>2500) used for insitu measurement will be designated as the Permanent Sample will be designated as the Permanent Sample Plots(PSPs). Plots(PSPs). Enhancement of National capacity to monitor forest and measure PSPs in every five years. and measure PSPs in every five years. MRV system will be institutionalized within DFRS.
Nepal: A Candidate of ND on GEO FCT Justification of Nepal’s Candidacy Nepal is a GEO member & observer of UN-REDD. Nepal is a GEO member & observer of UN-REDD. The REDD readiness process is on-going with the World Bank FCPF(REDD RPP already endorsed). Bank FCPF(REDD RPP already endorsed). Nepal is conducting a comprehensive FRA with technical and financial support of the Finnish Government. and financial support of the Finnish Government. The plans are very well suited to support FCT activities. Showing the commitment and fulfilling the provisions required for GEO FCT ND involvement. required for GEO FCT ND involvement. Thus, expectation is endorsing Nepal through FRA Project as the ND to increase the access on satellite data. as the ND to increase the access on satellite data.
FRA Project initiated process from the GEO secretariat Director and FRA project team agreed on GEO FCT ND involvement Nepal action Plan agreed on GEO FCT ND involvement Nepal action Plan in October 4th, in October 4th, FRA LiDAR expert (Mr.Basanta) organized a meeting with the members of GEO secretariat in Cancun, with the members of GEO secretariat in Cancun, Mexico in December 9, Mexico in December 9, A Teleconference was organized in December 21, 2010 to evaluate the progress on Nepal action Plan. to evaluate the progress on Nepal action Plan. Verification sites have been proposed. Nepal initiatives
Locations map of proposed Geo-FCT Verification Sites