Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Monday While you wait… have out your choice reading book and start reading silently! When the bell rings,… Write your proper heading on the sheet being handed out Read through “Day 1” and respond on the lines below (leave room to adjust our notes if needed) While you wait… have out your choice reading book and start reading silently! Here are the rules: Day 1 subject & verb but not a complete thought = Dependent clause (fragment) subject & verb + a complete thought = Independent clause (complete sentence) Subordinate clause at the beginning of a sentence = insert a comma. Subordinate clause comes at the end of a sentence = do not use a comma. When a dependent clause starts a sentence, follow it with a comma and an independent clause. You do not use a comma when a dependent clause follows an independent clause. Homework: Memorize A WHITE BUS (subordinating conjunctions) Bring in various magazines for future work
Past, Present, Future Monday Dependent & Independent Clauses, Subordinating Conjunctions, Comma Rule Introduction of 4 Day Mini-lessons Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Introduction) Continue with Dependent & Independent Clauses, Subordinating Conjunctions, Comma Rule (assessment Friday) Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Terminology & Notes)
Instruction: Obtain Monday Objective: You will be able to identify the enduring understandings, questions, and assessments for Unit 2. Note Taking Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by the mass media and advertising Standard 3 Writing and Composition Understanding and effectively using the classical art of rhetoric to work toward a better world Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Questions: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me? How can I use my powers of persuasion for my own good and the good of others? Assessments A multi-paragraph analysis of a product commercial, analyzing the purpose and message along with the persuasive techniques used, and evaluating the effectiveness of the ad. A multi-paragraph persuasive essay/letter with works cited. You will chose topic of current relevance, research the topic, and utilize your research and the elements of persuasive rhetoric to craft your argument.
Persuasion & Manipulation Monday “Viewer’s Guide to The Merchants of Cool” 1.Read the “Viewer’s Note” & take the “Parental Notification” home to share with your parent 2.Complete “I. Critically read…” 3.Complete “II After reading…” 4.Discuss Tomorrow we will view the opening segment “Hunting for Cool” Transcript
Persuasion & Manipulation Monday Review 1.What Standards is Unit 2 addressing? 2.Why is Unit 2 Relevant? 3.What are the Essential Questions for Unit 2? 4.How will you be Assessed? Homework: Memorize A WHITE BUS (subordinating conjunctions) Bring in various magazines for future work
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Tuesday 1. When the bell rings, have out your 4 Day Mini-lesson & choice reading book. read through and complete “Day 2.” 2. While you wait… start reading silently! Day 2 Homework: Memorize A WHITE BUS (subordinating conjunctions) Bring in various magazines for future work
Day 2: We Do Tuesday 1.After dinner we’ll go see a movie. 2.When we’re done let’s go get come ice cream. 3.Unless you’re willing to wait. You’ll have to come back. 4.How is it that even though you go there all the time you’ve never noticed that before? 5.I’ve had a different opinion of him, since then. 6.So that I’m sure I understand you. Please repeat what you said. 7.Please let me know, if you find out.
Day 2: We Do Tuesday 1.I stayed up all night studying for my Algebra exam. I was so tired all day today. 2.Jerry and Elaine always go to movies together. They don’t go to movies together when Jerry is dating someone. 3.Mad Season is a great band. They only have put out one album.
Past, Present, Future Tuesday Introduction of 4 Day Mini-lessons Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Introduction) Continue with Dependent & Independent Clauses, Subordinating Conjunctions, Comma Rule The Merchants of Cool Dep/Indep/SubConj/Comma Assessment Friday Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Terminology & Notes)
Persuasion & Manipulation Tuesday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Persuasion & Manipulation Monday The Merchants of Cool Purpose: to identify ways in which mass media is attempting to manipulate teenagers Tasks: 1.Read through the backside of the “Viewer’s Guide” 2.View the opening segment “Hunting for Cool” Outcome: Initial responses and discussion What is the focus/subject of this film? Who is in it? What have they said so far? What are your reactions to what they’ve said so far? What do you think is next in the film?
Persuasion & Manipulation Tuesday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Wednesday/Thursday 1. When the bell rings, find your formative assessments from Quarter 1 (I will also hand back you summative) have out your 4 Day Mini-lesson & choice reading book. read through and complete “Day 3.” 2. While you wait… start reading silently!
Extension Activity: Due Friday (before the assessment) Subordinating Conjunction Poem: Dependents + Independent 1.You must write two stanzas of five lines each. 2.The first four lines of each stanza must begin with a word from the list of subordinators and cannot be a complete sentence. 3.The last line of the stanza cannot begin with a subordinator and must be a complete sentence. 4.The first word of each line must begin with a capital letter. 5.The first four lines are punctuated with a comma, and the last line is punctuated with a period. Sentence Order: Subordinator – Subject – Verb Example: Whenever I get up, After the alarm clock has gone off, Before the sun comes up, As I stumble to the shower, I slowly get ready for my day of school.
Past, Present, Future Wednesday/Thursday Mini-Lesson Day 2 The Merchants of Cool: “Hunting for Cool” Mini-lesson Day 3 The Merchants of Cool Dep/Indep/SubConj/Comma Assessment Friday Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Terminology & Notes)
Persuasion & Manipulation Wednesday/Thursday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Activities: We Do Wednesday/Thursday The Merchants of Cool Purpose: to identify ways in which mass media is attempting to manipulate teenagers Tasks: 1.Read through the backside of the “Viewer’s Guide” 2.View “Under the Radar” – Respond/Discuss 3.View “The MTV Machine” – Respond/Discuss 4.View “The Midriff” & “The Giant Feedback Loop” – Respond/Discuss 5.View “Teen Rebellion: Just Another Product” - Respond/Discuss Outcome: Finish the “Viewer’s Guide” & discuss
Persuasion & Manipulation Wednesday/Thursday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Hook, Housekeeping & Homework Friday Extension activity (poem) due! Turn it in to the front desk When the bell rings, have out your 4 Day Mini-lesson nothing else may be out Day 4 assessment starts in a moment
Day 4 Assessment Friday All sentences must be original (not re-writes of models provided). Consider writing sentences about yourself. 1.Write a complete sentence that uses a subordinating conjunction at the beginning of the sentence (creating a dependent + independent). Make sure to punctuate the sentence correctly. 2.Write a complete sentence that uses a subordinating conjunction in the middle of the sentence (creating an independent + dependent). Make sure to punctuate the sentence correctly. Turn it in to the front desk 10 points 100% Advanced – no errors, at all “A” Advanced – 2 complete sentences with correct sentence pattern, punctuation and use of subordinating conjunction Per sentence (5 points each) - 1 point for incorrect sentence pattern (4/5) - 2 points for incorrect punctuation (3/5) (including missing punctuation at end) and for no/incorrect conjunction - 4 points for run-ons or sentence fragments (1/5) While you wait, start reading silently!
Writing Center Re-do By next Friday… If you take the assessment to the Writing Center and work with someone there, you may have Mr. Poese sign-off that you now understand subordinating conjunctions and dependent/independent clauses with commas. I will bump grades to 8/10.
Past, Present, Future Friday Mini-lesson Day 3 The Merchants of Cool Dep/Indep/SubConj/Comma Assessment Day 4 Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation The Merchants of Cool Unit 2: Persuasion & Manipulation (Terminology & Notes)
Persuasion & Manipulation Friday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
Activity: We Do – You Do Friday Tasks: 1.View “Teen Rebellion: Just Another Product” - Respond/Discuss 2. “Viewer’s Guide” Select one (A – E) to do a Quick Write in your comp notebook 3. Discuss How does mass media and advertising manipulate teenagers?
Identify, Exemplify Explain Based on The Merchants of Cool, identify one way that mass media has manipulated teenagers, give an example of it (from the video or from current media), and explain how and why they are manipulating teenagers. One way that mass media has manipulated teens is through the use of… For example, in The Merchants of Cool…. This shows that media is…. because…. One way that mass media manipulates teens is through the use of … For example, on TV there is… This shows that… because…
Persuasion & Manipulation Friday Standard 2 Reading for All Purposes Thinking critically about the ways we are manipulated by mass media and advertising Relevance: Understanding how and why we are being manipulated is critical to our mental and emotional well-being Essential Question: In what ways does the media attempt to manipulate me?
10 th Standards 1. Oral Expression and Listening 1. Content that is gathered carefully and organized well successfully influences an audience 2. Effectively operating in small and large groups to accomplish a goal requires active listening 2. Reading for All Purposes 1. Literary and historical influences determine the meaning of traditional and contemporary literary texts 2. The development of new ideas and concepts within informational and persuasive manuscripts 3. Context, parts of speech, grammar, and word choice influence the understanding of literary, persuasive, and informational texts 3. Writing and Composition 1. Literary or narrative genres feature a variety of stylistic devices to engage or entertain an audience 2. Organizational writing patterns inform or persuade an audience 3. Grammar, language usage, mechanics, and clarity are the basis of ongoing refinements and revisions within the writing process 4.Research and Reasoning 1. Collect, analyze, and evaluate information obtained from multiple sources to answer a question, propose solutions, or share findings and conclusions 2. An author’s reasoning is the essence of legitimate writing and requires evaluating text for validity and accuracy