Interpretation and Translation Services Request for Proposal 9-82 Pre-Proposal Conference July 8, 2009 Molly Martin, IDOA Strategic Sourcing Analyst
Agenda General Information Update to the Scope of RFP Purpose of RFP Scope of RFP Key Dates Proposal Preparation Proposal Evaluation Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Question and Answer Session
General Information Sign-In Sheet for Attendees Sign-In Sheet and PowerPoint will be posted on State’s Solicitation Website Hold questions until the end of the presentation All questions must be submitted in writing by Friday, July 17 th
UPDATE: The State has decided that it is in the best interest to add sign language services to this RFP. Additional details will be provided in an Addendum that will be posted to the solicitation webpage in the next few days. An extension of the proposal due date has been made – July 31, 2009 at 3pm is the updated proposal due date.
Purpose of the RFP The goal of the RFP is to make available a common source of interpretation, translation, and sign language services for use by all State agencies to ensure consistent and accurate transmittal of information across language barriers. Vendors are encouraged to be creative with their solution and provide recommendations to the State regarding how their solution best utilizes State funds.
Scope of RFP RFP consists of three (3) product category definitions Chart shows estimated breakdown of services CategoryPercentage Breakdown InterpretationSpanish % All Other Languages – 10.7% TranslationN/A Sign LanguageN/A
Scope of RFP The contract shall cover a full range of interpretation, translation, and sign language services for all State agencies, including some that may require knowledge in specific subject areas (health, social services, etc). If Respondent can provide additional services that are not requested in the Cost Proposal template, please present them as an attachment in the Summary of Attachments. Contract Term: –two (2) years from the date of contract execution –possibility of two (2) one-year renewals –totaling four (4) years.
Key Dates ActivityDate Issue of RFPMonday, June 22, 2009 Pre-Proposal ConferenceWednesday, July 8, 2009 Deadline to Submit Written QuestionsFriday, July 17, 2009 Response to Written Questions/RFP Amendments Wednesday, July 22, 2009 Submission of ProposalsFriday, July 31, 2009 The dates for the following activities are target dates only. These activities may be completed earlier or later than the date shown. Proposal EvaluationTBD Proposal Discussions/ClarificationsTBD Oral PresentationsTBD Best and Final OffersTBD Contract AwardTBD
Cost Proposal (Attachment D) Pricing Terms –Interpretation- per minute charge –Translation- per word charge –Sign Language - TBD –After-hours (6:01pm EST to 7:59am EST) pricing
Proposal Preparation Use the templates provided for all answers Do not alter templates Attachment D (Cost Proposal) must be returned as an Excel file Please list all attachments in Attachment F (Summary of Attachments)
Proposal Evaluation Summary of Evaluation Criteria: 1. Adherence to Mandatory Requirements –Pass/Fail 2. Management Assessment/Quality (Business & Technical) –15 points 3. Cost (Cost Proposal) –40 points 4. Indiana Economic Impact –15 points 5. Buy Indiana –10 points 6. Minority (10) and Women Business (10) –Subcontractor Commitment 20 points * 100 Total Points
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Goals for Proposal –8% Minority Business Enterprise –8% Women’s Business Enterprise
Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Attachment A –Commitment of total participation provided by Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises Historical Amounts are used for evaluation purposes only and should not be viewed as dollar commitments from the State. The historic amounts will be posted on the solicitation webpage in the next few days when the addendums to the documents are made.
Additional Information IDOA PROCUREMENT LINKS AND NUMBERS BUYIN (8946) For Vendor Registration Questions For Inquiries Regarding Substantial Indiana Economic Impact A. Link to the developing “one stop shop” for vendor registry with IDOA and Secretary of State, MWBE business loop up, etc. B.Secretary of State of Indiana: Can be reached at (317) for registration assistance. C.Indiana Economic Impact Form: Online version available at D.Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises: for more information for table of IDOA certified MBEs and WBEs. E.RFP posting and updates: Go to (select “State of Indiana Opportunities” link) Drag through table until you find desired RFP/RFI number on left-hand side and click the link.
Questions and Answers
Thank You