NATO SET Sensors & Electronics Technology Marijke Vandewal Royal Military Academy 16 Feb 2011
Overview of the Belgian participation to SET Belgian voting member: Dr Ir Marijke Vandewal (RMA) Other Panel members: Prof. Emmanuel VAN LIL (KUL) Prof. Jacques VERLY (Ulg) Participation to RTG and ET
Main focus groups of SET Panel SET Optical Technology Focus Group Multi-Sensors & Electronics Focus Group Radar Frequency Technology Focus Group Ongoing activities Technology watch list
BE participation in ET SET-ET-072 “Thermal Hyperspectral Phenomenology and Exploitation” Michal Shimoni (TBC)
BE participation in RTG SET-124 “THz Wave Technology for Standoff Detection of Explosives and other Military & Security Applications” Ended in Dec 2010 (waiting for final report) SET-143 “Radar and Infrared Synergy for Military Situation Awareness" Alexander Borghgraef (RMA) SET-144 “Mitigation of Ship Electro-Optical Susceptibility Against Conventional and Asymmetric Threats” Fabian Lapierre (RMA) SET-145 “High Resolution Space-Borne SAR systems for Geospatial Intelligence” Dirk Borghys (RMA)
BE participation in RTG SET-147 “Microsatellites and Surveillance of Space” Col Erwin Duhamel (ESA) SET-164 “Advanced Modeling and System Applications for Passive Radar Sensor” Lt Virginie Kubica (RMA) SET-167 “Navigation Sensors and Systems in GNSS denied environments” Prof. Alain Muls (RMA)
Interesting conferences SET-116 / RLS “Low Cost Navigation Sensors and Integration Technology” (4-5 April 2011, Italy) SET-157 / RLS “Multisensor Fusion: Advanced Methodology and Applications (6-7 June 2011, Portugal) SET-172 / RLS ”Radar Automatic Target Recognition and Non- Cooperative Target Detection” (7-8 July 2011, UK)
Next SET PBM The 26 th – Fall 2010 meeting took place in Greece October 2010 in conjunction with the SM SET-160 on "NCI/ATR in Air, Ground and Maritime Applications based on Radar and Acoustics". The 27 th – Spring 2011 meeting will take place in Denmark 6-8 June 2011 in conjunction with the SM SET-175 “Countering Improvised Explosive Devices in a Long-Term Perspective”.
9 Radar Frequency Technology FG
10 Optical Technology FG
11 Multi-Sensors & Electronics FG
12 NATO SET Top-Down Bottom-Up Subject proposed by other SET Panel member Subject communicated within nations Existing Belgian Defense Study within proposed subject Belgian Defense Study will kick-off Subject communicated through SET Panel member at Panel Business Meeting If enough supporting countries: start of an Exploratory Team
13 NATO SET International collaborations Collaboration with Americans Possibility of organizing measurement campaigns (up to 25 k€ per campaign fundable by NATO) “Easy” administrative procedure Interesting Lecture Series on specific topics Why bother participating a SET-XX?
General Comments - High amount of information during PBM - Need to create better overview of BEL participation in SET activities - How to contact other universities/get overview of their participation Niches - LIDAR systems and signal processing - Fusion of LIDAR with other sensors - Build-up of knowledge by End-of-Study Work - Need for a new niche?
16 Feb 2011 Questions ?