Satellite Application on Weather Services in Japan Yasushi SUZUKI Japan Weather Association 12nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/2015
Japan Meteorological Agency gives approval to the weather business based on the Meteorological Service Act 62 companies are approved for the meteorological information 53 companies are approved for the earthquake information The amount of weather market is about 30 billion-yen About 9,300 weather forecasters are certified 2 Annual report on the weather business by Japan Meteorological Agency Private weather companies in Japan Amount of market Number of companies nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/2015
Value-added products from private weather companies Filling the lack of public weather information Communicate clearly to the user Communicate in a timely Communicate in an appropriate way Communicate in an appropriate words Value-added products made from basic data Information which meet the demands of users The value of information is determined by the compensation of user’s satisfaction level 32nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/2015
4 Forecasts Observations Alerts Maps Index Travel&Sports Climate Column Satellites Maps Radars AMeDAS PM2.5 Weather column by certified weather forecaster
Train Weather Channel in NEX(Narita Express) 2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/20155 After Arrival Before Departure NEX connects Narita airport to Tokyo city
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/20156 Weather column by Ms. Mirei Kawashima Certified Weather Forecaster Looking a global rainfall map Usually, you are using observed rainfall information by weather radars on the ground. But rainfall observation is available from space. Today, I introduce a global rainfall map using satellite observation JAXA’s GSMaP products are used in weather portal site. In this case, two tropical cyclones were approaching and their rainfall distribution on the Pacific ocean was explained.
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/20157 Mobile phone information (GSMaP/SST/Winds) JAXA/JWA collaborative research on “Satellite data application on weather information system and results from user promotion study” ( ) User Questionnaire on interesting information 1.Weather & Temp Temp Weather & Temp. & Rain 64 4.SST 25 5.Rain 24 overseas travel 140 (total 651)
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/20158 History of Microwave Radiometer Data TPW,RR assimilation was started in 2003 DMSP-F13,14,15/SSMI and TRMM/TMI Aqua/AMSR-E DMSP-F15/SSMI DMSP-F14/SSMI DMSP-F13/SSMI Radiance assimilation was started in 2010 DMSP-F16,17/SSMIS were added DMSP-F18/SSMIS Aqua/AMSR-E GCOM-W/AMSR2 Start of use End of use TRMM/TMI assimilation was started in Amount of MWR data increased by 5 times in the past 12 years. Radiances are assimilated in JMA global and meso- scale 4D-var data assimilation systems. JMA Meso-scale Analysis (one month accumulated data amount) Sato (2015,TRMM Symposium)
GMI case study: Heavy precipitation event in Japan Assimilation experiment: Control run: same as JMA operational configuration (w/o GMI data) Test run: Control + GPM satellite data (GMI TB, retrieved rain rate) Period: Data assimilation: 26 June – 14 July, 2014 Forecast: 39 hour forecasts every 3 hour 21 UTC July 2, 2014 Surface weather chart (00UTC July 3, 2014) GMI brightness temperature SSMIS brightness temperature Rain Rate from ground-based radar and microwave imagers MTSAT IR image (00UTC July 3, 2014) Heavy rain in Nagasaki prefecture in the western Island of Japan Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
GMI observed TB (23GHzV) w BCGMI simulated TB (23GHzV) Observed TB – Simulated TB Retrieved Rain Rate Added as new data GMI data coverage Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
TPW (analysis) ( w GMI ) TPW (analysis) ( wo GMI ) Analysis increment ( w GMI ) Analysis increment ( wo GMI ) 21 UTC 2 July 2014 Impacts on analyzed TPW field Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/ GPM data utilization test GMI microwave imager data utilization are in progress. –Assimilation of GMI TB improves the fits in other microwave imager’s analysis and first guess departure in NH and tropics. –And, improves humidity fields in the lower troposphere. –A case study shows assimilation of GMI observations (TB and rain rate) improves precipitation forecast in JMA meso-scale NWP system. GPM/DPR reflectivity data assimilation based on TRMM/PR technique are investigated. TRMM/TMIGPM-core/GMI 2014/07/07(1day) Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
Reference materials 2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/201513
Assimilation of GMI TB in JMA Meso-scale NWP system JMA Meso-scale NWP system DA system: Non-hydrostatic model based 4D-Var (Honda et al. 2005) Forecast model: Non-hydrostatic model, JMA-NHM (Saito et al. 2006) Model Resolution: Outer 5km, Inner 15km Three hourly assimilation cycle: 8 times per day, three hour assimilation window Used data: satellite radiance and rain, rain rate and wind from ground-based radar, TCWV from GNSS, AMV, and conventional data RTM for satellite radiance assimilation: RTTOV-10 (same as JMA Global DA system) Added new data GMI: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave Imager Channel: 19V, 23V, 37V, 89V Retrieved Rain Rate Main target of JMA Meso-scale NWP system is accurate precipitation forecasts for Japan and its surrounding areas. GMI TB data are obtained from JAXA in real time since March 2014 Meso-scale Model Domain Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
Distribution of used microwave imager data in JMA Meso-scale analysis: AMSR2, SSMIS F16, SSMIS F17, SSMIS F18, TMI, GMI Kazumori (2014,IPWG7)
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/ TRMM/PR simulation test With the radar simulator in JMA, TRMM/PR reflectivity was simulated using MSM forecast field. – This is a preliminary study for satellite radar reflectivity assimilation. The sample case is 29 Oct (T1014, CHABA). Analyzed P MSL field and TRMM/PR swath Vertical cross section of Ze Sato (2015,TRMM Symposium)
2nd. GPM Applications Workshop, June/9-10/ Model Simulated ZeModel+Obs Simulated Ze TRMM/PR assimilation test Model Simulated ZeModel+Obs Simulated Ze Model wModel+Obs w Observation Ze Eye of Typhoon Sato (2015,TRMM Symposium)