Committee on Earth Observation Satellites John Bates Chair, Joint CEOS-CGMS Working Group on Climate 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Outline Summary of 1 st meeting of Joint CEOS-CGMS Working Group on Climate (WGClimate) – Full meeting Ideas on mapping between ECVs and WCRP science priorities 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Summary of 1 st meeting of Joint CEOS-CGMS Working Group on Climate (WGClimate) WGClimate was pleased that only minor updates to the original Terms of Reference were needed to accommodate inclusion of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) CGMS approve the Terms of Reference at their Plenary in July 2013 and CEOS at their Plenary in November 2013 A new overarching objectives statement was added: Provision of a structured, comprehensive and accessible view as to what Climate Data Records are currently available from satellite missions of CEOS and CGMS members or their combination; Creation of the conditions for delivering further Climate Data Records, including multi-mission Climate Date Records, through best use of available data to fulfil GCOS requirements (e.g. by identifying and targeting cross-calibration or re-processing gaps/shortfalls ); Optimization of the planning of future satellite missions and constellations to expand existing and planned Climate Data Records, both in terms of coverage and record length, and to address possible gaps with respect to GCOS requirements 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Summary of 1 st meeting of Joint CEOS-CGMS WGClimate (cont) First meeting of Joint CEOS-CGMS Working Group on Climate (30+ attendees including 15 CEOS-CGMS space agencies) Coordination of CGMS and CEOS WGClimate Work Plan Climate Monitoring Architecture Essential Climate Variable (ECVs) Inventory Assessing the Completeness of ECVs Coordination with CEOS Carbon Task Force Reporting Activities – GEO, GCOS, UNFCCC SBSTA 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee CEOS ECV Inventory Architecture ECV Assessments Stewardship & Maturity Index
Climate Monitoring Architecture 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee 5 The WGClimate ‘Strategy Towards…’ report primarily focused on the first 2 pillars of the Climate Monitoring Architecture and its logical, or generic, view. WGClimate will be focusing on identifying case studies and working with the GFCS to focus on the applications and decision-making pillars. A third phase will then identify several example physical architectures that incorporate the end-to-end climate information value chain
Assessing the Completeness of ECVs Metrics to assess the completeness of process (documentation, validation, access, etc.) and scientific applications (fitness for purpose and user requirements) have moved forward within several different venues over the last year WGClimate has coordinated with the GEO QA4EO effort An EU project, CORE-CLIMAX, has proposed a more generic metric assessment that has been evaluated and found useful by the satellite, in situ, and re-analysis communities WGClimate took an action to have its members further evaluate this metric for formal adoption by WGClimate by the end of 2014 WGClimate is coordinating with WCRP Data Advisory Committee on scientific assessment metrics. Work is ongoing 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Mapping ECVs to WCRP Science Priorities CEOS-CGMS WGClimate is committed to addressing GCOS Implementation Plan and related documents (e.g., Satellite supplement, guidelines, etc.) GCOS has gathered requirements for ECVs that focus on large-scale decadal trends for groups of climate data records This approach does not always map well into WCRP science objectives Other GCOS actions and guidelines (e.g., data processing, metrics) do apply to WCRP, however, are not formally recognized and implemented by WCRP 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Mapping ECVs to Fluxes Ocean-Atmosphere Energy Flux Terrestrial-Atmosphere Energy Flux DomainECV Atmosphere Surface Wind Speed and DirectionXX Precipitation Upper-air TemperatureXX Water VapourXX Earth Radiation BudgetXX Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other GHGs Oceans Sea-surface TemperatureX Terrestrial Land-surface Temperature X 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Mapping ECVs to Fluxes In important first step is to identify priority science and map ECVs required ECVs can also be given priorities for their impact on flux calculations Check ECV requirements with science requirements for the ECV and identify gaps Identify any gaps in ECV list that are required for science and provide requirements for consideration to GCOS 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee
Summary and Recommendations CEOS-CGMS Joint Working Group on Climate was approved and held its first meeting – WDAC should have only 1 report from CEOS-CGMS Joint WGClimate Chair WGClimate is pursuing adopting metrics for process by later this year – CORE-CLIMAX update to Maturity Model WDAC should identify which fluxes to prioritize and explore a mapping to ECVs to engage WGClimate ongoing work 3 rd WCRP Data Advisory Committee