USACE South Atlantic Division (SAD) Central & South America MILITARY MISSION AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY CIVIL WORKS AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Wilmington District (USASOC/JSOC) Wilmington District SAD HQ SAD HQ Charleston District Charleston District Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands Savannah District Savannah District Mobile District Mobile District Jacksonville District Jacksonville District MILITARY PROGRAM (MP) 11 Major Army Installations (32% Army CONUS) -Forts Bragg, Stewart, Benning, Gordon, Jackson, Rucker, and Redstone Arsenal 13 Major Air Force Bases (18% Air Force) -Eglin, Tyndall, MacDill, Patrick, Seymour Johnson 6 Major Commands CENTCOM, SOUTHCOM, SOCOM, FORSCOM, AMC, MEDCOM CIVIL WORKS (CW) 31 Reservoirs (6 of 10 Most Visited) 1268 Miles of Levee (5% of Nationwide Flood storage) 49 Dams Total (4.1 million acre-feet of storage) 14 Hydropower plants (25% of Nation’s Hydro Power) 32 Deep Draft Harbors (234.4 Million Tons of Commerce) 32 Locks (5,337 Miles of Navigable Channels) Central & South America BG Ed Jackson South Atlantic Division COL Jon Chytka Mobile District COL Al Dodd Jacksonville District COL Tom Tickner Savannah District LTC John Litz Charleston District COL Steve Baker Wilmington District
BUILDING STRONG – USACE Supports the Army and the Nation Mission Area Updates BUILDING STRONG – USACE Supports the Army and the Nation Military Construction COCOM Support, Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Installation Support, Environmental, Energy and Sustainability Military Programs Civil Works Navigation, Hydropower Flood Damage Reduction, Shore Protection Water Supply, Regulatory Recreation, Disaster Response Environmental Restoration Intelligence Homeland Security Critical Infrastructure Anti Terrorism Plans Facility Security Partnership Acquire, Manage and Dispose DoD Recruiting Facilities Contingency Operations Estate Real Interagency Support Federal State Local International Research & Development Warfighter Installations & Energy Environment Water Resources Geospatial Support Common Operating Picture/Environment Support to Emergency & Contingency Ops Support to Civil Works Programs Support to Military Programs
Savannah Harbor Project Scope
ACT/ACF Water Control Manual Updates Recreation Drinking Water Supply Industrial Agricultural Irrigation Navigation Threatened/Endangered Species Hydropower Environmental Protection
Budget Trends Dollars in Billions
Challenges and Initiatives