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Our World
In the North, For the North, By the North – Towards a Sustainable World Our Vision Our Motto With Shared Voices
Our Values Circumpolar… UArctic promotes a northern voice in the globalizing world that reflects a shared regional identity across all eight Arctic states and among all Northern peoples and cultures Holistic… UArctic promotes understanding among different learning systems, bringing together perspectives from the arts and both social and natural sciences with traditional and indigenous knowledge Diverse… UArctic promotes cultural diversity, language plurality, and gender equality
What We Are UArctic …is a cooperative network of universities, colleges, and other organizations committed to higher education and research in the North. …members share resources, facilities, and expertise to provide relevant and accessible post-secondary education for the North. …works in partnership with indigenous peoples, seeking to engage their perspectives and participation in all activities. …promotes excellence in knowledge generation and application in areas relevant to the North. …promotes cooperation in a context in which recognized degrees are granted by the members themselves.
UArctic Governance Board of Governors internationally representative Board highest decision making body responsible for strategic development, institutional priorities and finances Council of UArctic consists of representatives from all UArctic members; 121 in 2009 decides on membership of UArctic and nominates members of the Board makes strategic decisions on UArctic’s program development gives academic guidance for program implementation and delivery Rectors Forum The UArctic Rectors’ Forum, held once a year, brings together university and college Presidents, Rectors, Provosts, Chancellors as well as Vice-Presidents around specific themes.
Our Mission Through UArctic, members together shall: Empower the North Improve access to education Serve our community Create shared knowledge Build regional identity Strengthen the voice of the Arctic
”UArctic’s values, goals, and collaborative efforts captured my imagination.” Vivian Elias UArctic Editor
UArctic Structure: Strategic Areas UArctic is organized into seven strategic areas, each consisting of one or several programs. Strategic Areas are: Shared Focus – Thematic Networks Shared Learning – Undergraduate Studies Shared Competence – Graduate Studies Shared Knowledge – Research and Development Shared Experiences – Mobility Programs Shared Resources – Services to Members Shared Organization – UArctic Organization
Shared Focus: Thematic Networks A Thematic Network is a group of UArctic members working together on subjects of shared interest to create learning experiences for students, faculty and communities. This includes student and faculty exchange, curriculum development, and research. Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Non-members participants Network host (size indicating number of networks hosted)
“I am very impressed about the breath and scope of the thematic networks, all clearly demonstrating the capacity of UArctic members to be global leaders in these fields.” Claudia Fedorova Chair of UArctic Council
Shared Learning – Undergraduate Studies Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies - Profile of International Online students (2008): 66% women 45% self- identify as indigenous 68% self identify as Northerners 46% mature students (over the age of 21) Nationalities of BCS students (2008): 49% Russian 17% Canadian 16% Finnish 16% Norwegian 2% Other (American and Icelandic)
Shared Learning – Undergraduate Studies Undergraduate Studies programs at UArctic focus on building human capital, and knowledge about the North among its residents and others. Programs include: Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Open Learning Profile of International BCS Online students (2008): 66% women 45% self- identify as indigenous 68% self identify as Northerners 46% mature students (over the age of 21) Nationalities of BCS students (2008): 49% Russian 17% Canadian 16% Finnish 16% Norwegian 2% Other (American and Icelandic)
”BCS has opened a new world – the world of the Arctic. BCS has made me feel as a part of one big community, one environment, one mentality, one Arctic!” Daria Burnasheva (Russia) BCS, north2north, Yakutsk State University
Shared Competence – Graduate Studies UArctic Graduate Studies focus on development of high-quality, joint and parallel graduate and postgraduate program activities, which provide UArctic members with opportunities to develop and support relevant thematic networks. Programs include: Master Studies UArctic Field School Graduate Networks
Shared Knowledge – Knowledge and Dialogue Shared Knowledge means that: UArctic members are engaged in research, education, and development activities with each other. UArctic activities are coordinated with Arctic research. UArctic activities are relevant to Arctic Council working groups, Indigenous peoples organizations, and Arctic science and development organizations.
Shared Experience - Mobility Shared Experiences are UArctic Mobility programs (student and faculty exchanges) that can benefit northern populations and create a sense of northern citizenship. north2north Student exchange program allows students at UArctic Institutions to visit different northern regions, and share experiences face-to-face, through study at other UArctic institutions. Provides mobility grants for 3-12 months of study. northTREX A faculty exchange program that provides opportunities for northern teachers to gain circumpolar experiences and perspectives, and strengthens northern institutions' abilities to share faculty resources.
“north2north is a very great program…All northern students should join this program!” Anna Ushnitskaya (Russia) north2north, University of Lapland
Shared Resources – Services to Members Shared Resources means that UArctic builds capacity within members by providing services through the added value of the network, promotes UArctic members as study destinations, and promotes the North as a subject of study Services to members Include: UArctic Studies Catalogue GoNorth Program UArctic Press UArctic Institutes
Shared Resources – Service to Members “Going North forces the realizationuponstudentsthatth erearepeople to whom the North is not the peripherybut the centre; the realizationthattherearecommu nities and individualswhoselivesaredeep lyaffectedby the eventstheystudy.” Mikkel Berg, Student Representative to UarcticBoard of Governors’
Shared Organization - UArctic Organization UArctic administration is light and decentralized, daily operations are distributed between: International Secretariat UArctic President’s Office UArctic Russian Information Center UArctic International Academic Office UArctic Offices Programs are coordinated by offices hosted by member institutions and located around the Circumpolar North.
Shared Organization - UArctic Organization UArctic administration is light and decentralized, daily operations are distributed between: International Secretariat UArctic President’s Office UArctic Russian Information Center UArctic International Academic Office UArctic Offices Programs are coordinated by offices hosted by member institutions and located around the Circumpolar North.
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