Partnerships for the Future Implementing a sustainable framework of partnership working with service users and other partners Thursday 2 May 2013 Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Cllr Robert Evans Care Services Portfolio Holder Welcome and introduction
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Format for the session Welcome and introduction The context to the review Principles underpinning the recommendations Cllr Evans, Care Services Portfolio Holder The review: findings and outcomes Findings from the review – local and national Overview of the new framework Terry Parkin, Executive Director: Education, Care and Health Services Interactive session: putting the proposals into practice Facilitated by Terry Parkin, Executive Director: Education, Care and Health Services The next steps Overview of the actions underway Overview of the timeframe for the new implementation and embedding of the new framework Lorna Blackwood, Assistant Director: Commissioning Question and answer session Cllr Evans, Care Services Portfolio Holder
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Context to the review Changing local structures and arrangements Legislative changes Significant financial constraints Enhancing involvement and empowering users and carers Adopting a more proportionate approach to engagement
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice To ensure that the partnership arrangements in place across the borough for adult and children’s services are: fit for purpose provide best value for money remove duplication outcome focused Purpose of the review
Partnerships for the Future Implementing a sustainable framework of partnership working with service users and other partners Thursday 2 May 2013 Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Terry Parkin Executive Director: Education, Care and Health Services The review: findings and outcomes
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Method of review Used four methods: (1) Desktop review seek key documents identify resources (2) Bench Marking good practice from other areas local, national and international (3) Questionnaire members of strategic partnership groups chairs of partnerships other key partners (4) Interviews members of strategic partnership groups chairs of partnerships other key partners
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice 16 (21%) formal responses using the review questionnaire Responses also received from: Experts by Experience (XbyX) Voluntary Sector Reference Group Interviews held with representatives from: Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group London Borough of Bromley Metropolitan Police Service NHS London other partners Findings (1): questionnaire, interview, desktop review
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Findings (2): questionnaire, interview, desktop review A number of strengths were identified A number of areas for improvement, including: too many different partnership bodies focused on similar issues leading to duplication of information silo-based working and decision making significant demand on staff time partnership bodies often struggle to evidence that they monitor how they are making a difference, and some have “lost their way” barriers to partnership working include resource and financial constraints
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Findings (3): benchmarking exercise All partnership bodies should: be ‘task focused’ seek to achieve outcomes within a specific time frame link to strategic direction set by Health and Wellbeing Board be managed and driven within the principles of key performance and project management techniques consist of appropriate representatives at an appropriate level from appropriate organisations ensure the role of the user is strengthened and empowered
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Principles underpinning the recommendations Ensuring appropriate structures are in place Making the best use of available resources Ensuring organisations are appropriately engaged in partnership activities Ensuring each partnership body has: clear purpose and scope appropriate membership clearly defined action plan delivery targeted to outcomes
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Recommendations (1) 1.To make the Executive Director for Education, Care and Health Services the accountable link between the Borough’s Health and Wellbeing Board and the new partnership arrangements 2.To bring together the Education, Care and Health Services partnership arrangements into a single, coordinated framework 3.To create Stakeholder Conferences for adult services and for children services to meet twice a year to actively involve partner agencies and service users in shaping business planning and priorities for the future
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Recommendations (2) 4.To encourage particular partnership groups to look at options of becoming user led self-funding bodies 5.To develop virtual service user panel(s) which bring together service users, families and carers, and existing partnership group members, to gather views and consult with people on specific services or issues for services, and enable users to shape service development 6.For the partnership forums to become time limited with clear terms of reference focused on delivering projects and tasks identified as priorities for the Borough
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Recommended framework
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Impact 1.Some partnership groups will continue for a defined period as ‘time-limited project groups’ focused on finalising and delivering existing projects 2.For many partnership groups the current support and resource arrangements will be removed 3.The stakeholder conferences, time limited project groups and virtual panel(s) will better target limited resources to engage with service users and service user representatives
Partnerships for the Future Implementing a sustainable framework of partnership working with service users and other partners Thursday 2 May 2013 Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Terry Parkin Executive Director: Education, Care and Health Services Interactive session: Putting the proposals into practice
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice 1.To what extent do the new arrangements ensure that the voice of service users are heard? 2.Are there any service users we have missed out? 3.What one piece of advice would you give us to help implement this new framework properly? Supporting us to put the proposals into practice
Partnerships for the Future Implementing a sustainable framework of partnership working with service users and other partners Thursday 2 May 2013 Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Lorna Blackwood Assistant Director: Commissioning The next steps
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Developing draft Terms of Reference for the stakeholder conferences time limited project groups virtual panel(s) Developing procedure for the commissioning of Task and Finish Project Groups Planning for the impact on current commissioning and contractual arrangements Reporting outcomes and recommendations to the Care Services and Education PDS Committees, and Executive Actions underway
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Timeframe: overview Time April 2013: Health & Wellbeing Board becomes statutory body & Healthwatch Bromley launched May 2013: ‘Partnerships for the Future’ event held June-July 2013: Report to Care Services and Education PDS Committees, and Executive September 2013: New arrangements come into place September 2013: Adult Services Stakeholder Conference & Children’s Services Stakeholder Conference held November-December 2013: Service user ‘consultative groups’ held March 2014: Adult Services Stakeholder Conference & Children’s Services Stakeholder Conference held June-July 2014: Service user ‘consultative groups’ held September 2014: Adult Services Stakeholder Conference & Children’s Services Stakeholder Conference held Task and Finish Groups Online service user panel
Partnerships for the Future Implementing a sustainable framework of partnership working with service users and other partners Thursday 2 May 2013 Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Cllr Robert Evans Care Services Portfolio Holder Question and answer session
Giving service users a stronger, more effective voice Contact us Michael Watts Senior Partnerships and Planning Officer London Borough of Bromley Tel: Web: