Anti-Ageing for the Alps: Empowered by Youth Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 1
What is participation? Be heard – talk together – take part – be a member –be responsible – fulfill wishes – ask for young people´s needs – have a vote – contribute to something – make a plan – feel ownership of project – get appreciation – be part of a group – deal with conflicts…..(to be continued) But: Who is deciding? Where is the power? Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 2
Attendence attending physically possibility to raise one´s voice without being asked to Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 4
Transparency attending physically possibilty to raise one´s voice without being asked to to be briefed adequately regarding the topic Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 5
Involvement attending physically possibilty to raise one´s voice without being asked to to be briefed adequately regarding the topic To be asked for one´s opinion (without the power to decide) Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 6
Co-Determination attending physically possibilty to raise one´s voice without being asked to to be briefed adequately regarding the topic To be asked for one´s opinion to have impact on decisions due to voting- rights Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 7
Self-Determination to make the decision to be responsible Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 8
What does Youth Participation mean for an organization? in structure more time needed more process orientation attitude and values of adults “Youth participation is not another aim of education and training. It is a field of experiences for young people and a challenge for the older ones to share power with them. To get the strong feeling that you are considered as an equal member of society it is important to have made the experience that you are needed in your world. So appreciation, membership, participation and responsibility are necessary. Nobody can teach this like a lesson in school. It is not our task to tell young people how to participate. It is our task to give them chances to participate by telling the adults how to share power and how to give it to the young people.” (EPI ) Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 9
Participations view at young people means… Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 10 …young people are citizens Social actors with lots of competences in decisionmaking, taking responsibility and self- organisation Childhood is an integral part of society not only the preparation for the adult life Children and Youngsters are citizens with special rights and duties. Some rights are limited to security reasons Young people are accepted as experts of their own life
challenges Participation needs willingness and acceptance of risks The powerful adult has to give up a part of his „power to create and control“ The outcome (target and results) is not determined from the start. to be open for any result things changes during the process “experience is what you get when you didn´t get what you expected” (Randy Pausch) Limits have to be transparent. During Participation it will be dealt with difficult majorities respect human rights “sometimes majority means that all fools are on the same side” Participation needs professional facilitating Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 11
first step Build a group Local network for participation Know your target Define the limits of participation Where do you want to share power? Which step of participation do you want? Consider that …young participants must feel ownership of the project on which they are working …adults must feel satisfaction by the contribution made by young people (Results EU-project co-management-becoming equal partners) Write a constitution or a strategy for your organization or community Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 12
first step – here and now 1. Build a group (4 persons) 2. Discuss your fields of participation Where do you want to share power? Which step of participation do you want? 3. Come together after 15 minutes and share your results with the group Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 13
Placemat Activity Find a group of 4 persons (1 minute) Distribute 4 jobs ( 2 minutes ) material manager – time manager – social manager – reporter work on your own (5 minutes ) read results of others - turn the paper clockwise (2 minutes) agree on the 5 most important fields of participation (10 minutes) Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 14
Success and Problems Success Participation rights in communal constitution (Schleswig- Holstein, Hamburg) (must be) Schoolparticipation (in class, school and district) Kindergarten – nursery for democracy Youth centre Itzehoe – long term participation Problems Young peoples motivation is lacking To reach young people living in social and educational exclusion Lack of trust in adult organizations Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 15
Where to pour in the energy? Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 16
Why Get Involved? – Do you ever think to yourself “Why get involved, things aren’t going to change anyway?” By being involved you can help organizations make decisions that best meet your needs and those of your peers. Who knows better than you what youth need and want? Get involved and share your ideas! Wondering “what’s in it for me?”. Here are a few perks that may interest you. It looks great on a resume. Build leadership, communication, social, and team work skills. Meet new people. This is a great way to start building your network. Have a say in the type of programs and services being offered. Break down adult stereotypes of youth. Build your self esteem. Make things happen, lead change. Strengthen and improve your community; show others youth are a valuable resource. Gain a better sense of control over the decisions that impact your life. Have a sense of accomplishment. Nova Scotia Youth Secretariat Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 17
parlamentary form Youth parliament Itzehoe Elections (legitimation) 15 members years Right to speak in all town councils Right to apply in all town councils Gets support from administration Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 18 projects different methods – citizens talk Give and get information – citizens check Citizens check the plan which is done by professionals – future workshop Citizens create a plan with prof. support – planning workshop Citizens vote for different ideas and try to realize it. The final decision is still with the politicians. – Training Young people are trained to present and defend their ideas and projects in adult councils Professionals are trained to be mediators between adults and young people
Youth Participation is… …expensive. Yes! It must be a part of our democratic system and this costs a lot of money. This is also true if participation is only consumption if young people are asked for wishes and the responsibilty for fulfilling them is with the adults. Young people have good ideas for simple solutions, misplanning can be avoided. …possible. Yes! But this is only true when participation gives enough space for minorities and avant-garde, when the responsibilty for realization lies with the young people and the adults expects them to take it. …Democracy. Yes! But it is only true when through the whole process transparency and mutual respect is present. The product is not the most important thing. Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 19
Young Voice – New Vision The voice of the alpine youth Young people from different youth participation programmess uch as the Youth parliament share and discuss their ideas on renewable Alps with… YOU! Come and be inspired Thursday, 11;00 – 12:30, Location: Polo Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 20
Alp Week Youth Participation - Carsten Roeder 21 Contact Carsten Roeder Social- and Youthworker Trainer and Facilitator for youth participation Counsellor for democratic education, team work and communal participation of citizens Zeppelinplatz 5 D Itzehoe Phone mobile Thank you for your attention!