Delaware Written by: Ladd Crandall
Blue Hen Chicken The amazing Blue Hen Chicken is Delaware’s state bird. Adopted on April 4, 1939 it is not a recognizable breed. Also these birds did clock fighting. They put spurs on there feet so the hens could fight. Pretty cool huh?
The Peach Blossom The Peach Blossom is a beautiful flower. When voting for the state flower, the peach blossom was the most common flower and won everyone's approval. So with that said, the peach blossom was adopted on March 19,1895.
Rehoboth Beach! Rehoboth beach is a great beach to visit. This beach is also known as the summers capitol because, many people come from the capitol. So get your swimsuit on, and have fun!!!!!
Air Force Mobility Command Museum!! This Amazing Museum has airplanes young and old. Some where in wars, others where not. You can come to this place when ever you want. Let me warn you. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!
Interesting Facts!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know Delaware is the #1 peach producer in America? Also did you know that Delaware was the first state in America? For more information, go to www.