Witnesses John 5:31-47 Review Jesus healed the man (lame for 38yrs) at the pool of Bethesda –The Jews were upset that He had done so on the Sabbath Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

Witnesses John 5:31-47

Review Jesus healed the man (lame for 38yrs) at the pool of Bethesda –The Jews were upset that He had done so on the Sabbath Jesus said He did His Father’s work –The Jews were even more upset that He made Himself equal with God Jesus explained that since –God showed continued love of Him Proven by His ability to perform miracles –And God entrusted the judgment to Him –Then they had no reason to be upset

Introduction Jesus continues to explain and defend His deity –He does so by showing there are many witnesses to His divinity Some witnesses are better than others –As in a legal case, not all ‘witnesses’ are equal Jesus proceeds to name the various witnesses and to evaluate their worth

Self-witness John 5:31 –Anyone can claim anything about themselves Jesus puts the value of self-witness at zero –Or possibly less Jesus did not rely on self-witness –Explains why Jesus did not go around proclaiming Himself the Messiah »He wanted people to believe based on other witnesses

John’s witness John 5:32-35 –John testified to Jesus’ identity (Jn 1:26-36) He did so several times –Jesus affirms that John’s identification was accurate The Jews had checked with John –They just didn’t want to accept that testimony –Though they had been happy to hear him when he preached repentance (Mt 3:1-12) –But since it is the witness of a man it really has little value But since they had recognized John as a prophet it held some value in saving them

The witness of works John 5:36 –The fact that Jesus was able to perform miracles proved He was sent by the Father Including the very miracle (healing the lame man) for which they were upset –Nicodemus said the Jews ‘knew’ this was the inescapable conclusion (Jn 3:1-2) –Those are the very works He had told them He was doing for His Father Which had caused them to be even more upset –The value of this witness is greater than John’s testimony since it shows approval by God

The Father’s testimony John 5:37 –The Father’s testimony came in two forms Direct testimony to His relationship with Jesus Mt 3:16-17 –The Jews had not heard the voice, but probably knew about it Twice more in following years this witness was repeated –Mt 17:5 – at the transfiguration before 3 disciples –Jn 12:27-33 – before many Jews, but explained away and disbelieved –As they refused to hear the voice of God, they also refused to recognize His form in Jesus (Col 1:19)

The Father’s testimony John 5:38-40 –The second way the Father testified of Jesus is through the scriptures A testimony the Jews should be willing to accept –They looked to scripture to find how to be saved –There are more than 300 prophecies of the Messiah in the OT »Born of a virgin (Isa 7:14; fulfilled in Mt 1:22-23) »Born in Bethlehem (Mic 5:2; fulfilled in Mt 2:5-6) »Called “out of Egypt” (Hos 11:1; fulfilled in Mt 2:15) »Massacre of innocent male children (Jer 31:15; fulfilled in Mt 2:16-18) »Preceded by a forerunner (Isa 40:3; fulfilled in Mt 3:3) »Work would begin in Galilee (Isa 9:1-2; fulfilled in Mt 4:12-16) »Would take "our infirmities" (Isa 53:4; fulfilled in Mt 8:17) »Would teach by parables (Ps 78:2; fulfilled in Mt 13:34-35) »Enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech 9:9; fulfilled in Mt 21:1-10) »Sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11:12; fulfilled in Mt 27:9) »Lots cast for His clothing (Ps 22:18; fulfilled in Mt 27:35)

The Father’s testimony The Jews failed to accept the testimony of the Scriptures –Why? They expected to find salvation in the laws They did not abide in the words They refused to believe in the One of whom the scriptures testified –Kept asking for more signs / proof Ironically, by refusing to accept Jesus, they rejected the very life they sought to find

Weighing the evidence John 5:41-44 –Jesus did not go around proclaiming His position as Christ Nor did He ask others to go around making that claim –In fact, He often asked people not to spread that fact –He wanted each to come to believe based on God’s witness (works and scripture) –The only REAL evidence (honor) is evidence supplied by God But the Jews refused that witness in favor of self- witness

Weighing the evidence If one came making a claim to be Messiah, they would believe –Earlier examples 4BC – Judas ben Hezekiah and Simon of Perea 3BC – Athronges AD6 – Judas of Galilee –Later examples AD46 - Theudas AD58 – “that Egyptian” AD66 – Menahem ben Judah AD70 – John of Gischala and Simon bar Giora AD135 – Simon bar Kokhba AD – at least 18 other Jews have made the claim and gathered followers

A final witness John 5:45-47 –Moses witnessed of Jesus (Dt 18:15) They should have recognized Jesus as the one who was ‘like unto Moses’ –The people recognized the difference (Mt 7:28-29) –Moses is testifying against them Not just the direct words in Deuteronomy But also in other prophecies and promises –Gen 3:15 – to Eve –Gen 12:3 – to Abraham –Gen 49:8-12 – from Jacob to Judah –Num 24 – from Balaam –If they won’t believe Moses, it’s not surprising they don’t believe Jesus

Conclusion The evidence for Jesus as deity and Christ is clear and indisputable –The Jews did not try to argue against the witnesses John had told them who Jesus was The miracles clearly showed who Jesus was The voice from heaven said who Jesus was The scriptures clearly pointed out who Jesus was –Their problem was they did not want Jesus to be who He was If they accepted Him, then they’d have to obey Will you accept Him and obey His words?