1 THE RIGHT AND DUTY TO EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING THE TUSCAN SYSTEM (Update to the law 979/2008 and following decreets) Massa Carrara Province Guidance Office
2 The Tuscan System III° Year junior secondary school PROFESSIONAL CONTACTS SKILL ACHIEVEMENT BASIC SKILLS CERTIFICATION (LAW139/2007) PROFESSIONAL YEAR (900 HOURS) I° Year senior secondary school II° Year senior secondary school Guidance III° YEAR SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL IV° YEAR SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL V° YEAR SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL YESNO (*) (*) compulsory school accomplished COMPULSORY SCHOOL
3 Guidance The Regional education and vocational training system have developed an important guidance service directed to : 3° year of the junior secondary school; first two years of the senior secondary school.
4 Guidance service in the junior secondary Information about the regional support system towards students and families; Support towards extracommunity young people, with a particular attention to their language and communication skills balance; Individual support towards boys and girls on late of one year or more.
5 Guidance service in the senior secondary First year: It’s provided a close relation with the guidance service; Second year: directed to who would like to follow the vocational training channel, It will be privileged the working world through professional contacts.
6 Professional contacts They consist in laboratory activities, working world contacts, workexperiences and company visits, managing through the join of education, vocational training and labour system; They are included in the vocational training offer plan (POF); They are included in the felxibility of 20% inside the school hour amount; They are about the selected professional year subjects.
7 Target groups: Senior secondary students who have decided to attend the professional course; Professional contacts
8 Basic skills certification It’s the certification referred to skills within the 4 cultural axis: language, maths, technological and scientific, social and hostorical (compulsory education rule 08/07 n. 139 ); It’s been realized at the end of the first two years of the senior secondary school, however after having ultimate the compulsory school; It’s been issued freely from the schools; It must be filled on specific forms, defined from the Regional education office; It’s due for passing to the professional year; If this certification would not be completed, young people would need specific intervention to get the “skills achievement”
9 Basic skills certification for students who have abandoned the school: The compulsory vocational training tutors (dept of the employment office) make the reconstruction of skill balance, within formal and non formal courses; This skills certification could be realized also by: - secondary senior schools; - local offices; - particular bodies constituted by secondary schools and vocational training agencies who have participated with application forms to calls of proposals of the province
10 Skill achievement courses They are courses to acquire basic skills for all those young people who finished the compulsory school but without obtaining the certification of the basic skills, and who want to attend the professional year (Decreet n of 03/08/2009).
11 Skill achievement courses Who can manage these courses Secondary Schools, aknowledged by the Region, also in collaboration with vocational training agencies and eventually with other secondary schools; Secondary schools, not aknowledged by the Region, but in collaboration with aknowledged institutions. N.B. the skill achievement activity could have to be realized by a team in which there are experts of the 4 cultural axis and a tutor of the employment office.
12 Skill achievement courses Subjects: The 4 cultural axis: - Language axis - Maths axis; - Scientific and technological axis; - Social and historical axis Duration: - Max 80 hours/student: 1 axis - Max 150 hours/student: 2 axis - Max 220 hours/student: 3 axis - Max 300 hours/student: 4 axis
13 Skill achievement courses The didactical organization provides groups of not more than 15 participants for each axis; These courses could take place also during the professional year (a latere); They must finish within the 31° of December. N.B. As the Region Tuscany has noted, these activities for the 2009/2010 must finish 30 days in advance from the conclusion of the professional year.
14 The professional year It’s a vocational training course which lasts 1 year, directed to obtain a European second level professional qualification ; It must have a real connection with the local enterprises world, to outline the possibility of get a work ; It is active since the school year 2009/2010, at the end of the two years of the secondary junior school started in 2007; It can last minimum 900 hours.
15 The professional year Who can manage : Secondary Schools, aknowledged by the Region, also in collaboration with vocational training agencies and eventually with other secondary schools - creating network; Secondary schools, not aknowledged by the Region, but in collaboration with aknowledged institutions.
16 The professional year THE PROVINCES (D.D. n del 23/12/2008) Outline the two years vocational training offer plan (professional years and ) through local joint agreements. The joint agreements are realized with the collaboration of public local institutions (Commissione Provinciale Tripartita and Conferenze zonali per l’istruzione) Make proposals to the secondary schools and to the vocational training agencies about the professional profiles found out in the joint agreements through specific vocational training needs researches; Receive from the schools the involvements; Receive from the schools data of young students interested in the professional year, then there is the trasnmission to the Region;
17 The professional year THE PROVINCES Outline the two years vocational training offer plan and the relative financial plan; Pass on the Offer Plan to all the secondary schools (to give the possibility to all the students to know about the professional year and know the professional profiles offer) and to the Region.
18 The professional year THE REGION Outlines the regional Plan (including the Offer plan from all the provinces); Prepares the regional call for proposals (the application forms are submitted to the province and evaluated by the province); Prepares the regional list where there are the winner projects.
19 The professional year THE PROVINCE Issues specific calls to select the bodies who: Will realize the basic skill certification for the drop out students (student who leave the compulsory school) Will realize activity for the skill achievement.
20 Massa Carrara Province T he provincial Offer Plan for the professional year 2009/2010 has been approved by the Tuscan Region, and provides 2 professional profiles: Greenhouse operator (900 hours) Marble Artistic Workmanship Operator (900 hours)
21 Massa Carrara Province It’s been issued a call for proposals to realize: Skill achievements courses; Basic skill certification;
22 National legislation Legge n. 144/1999 – art. 68 definizione di “obbligo formativo” D.P.R. n 257/2000 – decreto attuativo art. 68 Legge n. 53/2003 – “Legge Moratti” D. lgs. n. 76/2005 – definizione delle norme generali sul diritto-dovere all’istruzione e alla formazione Legge n. 296/2006 (Finanziaria 2007 – elevamento dell’ obbligo di istruzione a 10 anni – età lavorativa 16 anni) Decreto MIUR n. 139/2007 – Regolamento sull’obbligo di istruzione
23 Regional legislation Delibera di Giunta Regionale n. 979/2008 “Linee guida per l’attuazione dell’obbligo di istruzione in Toscana” e relative disposizioni operative di cui ai Decreti Dirigenziali: Decreto 6307/2008 del 23/12/2008 Decreto 2235/2009 del 15/05/2009 Decreto 2441/2009 del 25/05/2009 Decreto 3063/2009 del 26/06/2009 Decreto 3814/2009 del 03/08/2009 Legge Regionale n. 63/2009 del 05/11/2009 – Modifiche alla legge regionale 32/2002