Board Roles & Responsibilities Moving toward a more strategic and effective board Marv Nelson SCTE SVP, Strategic Initiatives
Agenda The Role of a Board The Role of a Board Member What is a Strategic Board Board / Committee Structure Role of Parliamentary Procedure
The Role of a Board
What is a Board? The board of directors is the governing body responsible for the ultimate direction of the organization
Legal Responsibilities Duty of Care Association’s best interest Protect confidential information Duty of Loyalty Undivided allegiance Avoid conflicts of interest Duty of Obedience Bylaws compliance Aware of affairs of the chapter Fiduciary Responsibility
Gotchas Apparent Authority Personal Liability Risk Antitrust
Board Models Advisory Board model Patron model Co-operative model Management Team model Policy Board model
The Role of a Board Member
Qualities of a GOOD Board Member Integrity Open mind Competence Sense of humor Enthusiasm
Attributes NOT Desired Johnny-one-note Devil’s advocate Authority figure Off-the-wall artist Board hopper Taken from Welcome to the Board, by Fisher Howe
Responsibilities of a Board Member Attendance Mission Finances Program oversight and support Board effectiveness
Board Management Develop a list of specific qualities that should be contained collectively within the board Use elections to fill upcoming voids Do a periodic self-evaluation of board performance
What is a Strategic Board?
Strategic Planning Mission & Objectives Environmental Scan Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Evaluation & Control
The Strategic Plan answers: What are we doing today as a chapter that we need to be doing different in the future to sustain success? What are we not doing today that we need to be doing in the future to sustain success?
Ponder This If you say, “I’ll start on my big project after I get my desk all clean,” not only do you rarely get your desk clean, but afterward you’re no longer fresh and focused for your big project. Key questions: What’s on the agenda? What should be on the agenda? What are “Big Rocks”?
Characteristics of a Strategic Board Right sizing of the Board Strategic vs. Tactical What’s on your agenda? Reports vs. discussion Priority-based order of business Use of the Consent agenda
Board / Committee Structure
Value of Committees PROs Can improve efficiency Reduce frequency or time of board meetings CONs Arbitrarily establishing committees is a recipe for disaster Committee structure must be tied to priorities of the board Must have definitive goals and timelines
Committee Types and Alternatives Standing Committees Ad-hoc Committees Advisory Councils Consider using a “Zero-based” approach to committee formation
Role of Parliamentary Procedure
Reason for Parliamentary Procedure “Parliamentary procedure is not intended to intimidate anyone or stifle debate. Rather, its goal is to enable deliberative bodies to practice good governance. It ensures that the will of the majority is established and the voice of the minority is protected.” (Leigh Wintz, Soroptimist International of the Americas)
Reason for Parliamentary Procedure Don’t let it get in the way Unnecessary motions Unneeded seconds Unclear motions Ineffective use of time
Key Questions
Final Exam How is your board doing in carrying out their fiduciary responsibilities? What are you and your peer board members contributing to the board? How are you ensuring that the road you are on is the correct one? Are you leveraging the full value of the board members on your board? Have you made plans to implement an idea or concept you heard today?
Last Thoughts