HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Republic of Korea Last updated: December 2014
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 2 Basic socio-demographic indicators ( ) HIV prevalence and epidemiological status ( ) Risk behaviors Vulnerability and HIV knowledge HIV Expenditure National Response CONTENT
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 3 BASIC SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS Sources: Prepared by based on 1. UN Population Division. (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision - Extended Dataset; 2. World Bank. World Data Bank: World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance. Retrieved October, 2014, from h t t p : / / d a t a b a n k . w o r l d b a n k . o r g ; 3. WHO. (2014). World Health Statistics 2014; and 4. UNDP. (2014). Human Development Report 2014 Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience. Total population (in thousands)49,512 (2014) 1 Annual population growth rate0.5 (2014) 1 Population aged (thousands)25,967 (2014) 1 Percentage of population in urban areas82 (2013) 2 Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population)9.6 (2012) 2 Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)4 (2012) 3 Human development index (HDI) - Rank/Value15/0.891 (2013) 4 Life expectancy at birth (years)81.5 (2013) 4 Adult literacy rate (%)N/A Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%)98.8 (2012) 2 GDP per capita (PPP, $US)25,977 (2013) 2 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 2,198 (2011) 3
HIV prevalence and epidemiology
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Reported number of new HIV infections, cumulative HIV cases and AIDS related deaths, Sources: Prepared by based on 1. Division of HIV and Tuberculosis Control. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prrevention. (2011). HIV/AIDS Control in the Republic of Korea; and 2. Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Weekly Report. HIV/AIDS Notifications in Korea,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Reported HIV and AIDS cases by nationality, age group and gender, Sources: Prepared by based on Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Health Weekly Report. HIV/AIDS Notifications in Korea,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Forecasted number of new HIV cases and people living with HIV, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Forecasted number of people living with HIV, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Forecasted number of new HIV cases by gender, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Forecasted number of cumulative HIV cases, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of forecasted number of new HIV cases by age group, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Percent distribution of cumulative and new HIV infections among Koreans by gender, Source: Prepared by based on Yu, H.-K., Kim, N.-Y., Kim, S. S., Chu, C., & Kee, M.-K. (2013). Forecasting the Number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in the Korean Population Using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model. Osong public health and research perspectives, 4(6),
Risk behaviours
Vulnerability and HIV knowledge
HIV expenditure
National response
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 17 THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this