Mission: Medical Discovery Resource Unit Promote interdisciplinary research by providing the professional expertise and facilities needed to support preclinical & translational biomedical investigation. Operational Units Clinical Research Morphology & imaging Laboratory Animal Animal clinical research services: Experimental design, biomedical devices, surgery, anesthesia, IACUC protocols, housing & husbandry. Preclinical trials using animal models of naturally occurring & experimentally induced injury & disease. Imaging & image analysis, 3D reconstruction: CT, MRI, ultrasound, histology, pathology. John J. Turek, Ph.D. Purdue University Professor of Basic Medical Sciences Director, Medical Discovery Resource Unit School of Veterinary Medicine W. Lafayette, IN Phone: Clinical Discovery Laboratory (CDL) The CDL is a facility with clinical investigators & experienced research technicians who provide expertise in the design & technical conduct of applied/clinical research. Orthopedic research/biomedical devices Experimental surgery. Histology & Phenotyping Laboratory Full service histology laboratory. Processing of soft tissue as well as decalcified & non-decalcified tissues & prosthesis sectioning. OVERVIEW RESOURCES LIST OF SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION Clinical Discovery Laboratory (CDL) The CDL is a facility with clinical investigators & experienced research technicians who provide expertise in the design & technical conduct of applied/clinical research. Orthopedic research/biomedical devices. Experimental surgery. Dr. Gert Breur, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVS, Director, Histology & Phenotyping Laboratory Full service histology laboratory. Processing of soft tissue as well as decalcified & non-decalcified tissues & prosthesis sectioning. Develop new techniques. Characterize and phenotype genetically altered mice. Two board certified veterinary pathologists available for collaboration. Dr. Paul Snyder, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVP, Director, Clinical Trials Group (CTG) The CTG facilitates within the Veterinary Teaching Hospital by providing the expertise and facilities needed for animal clinical trials (veterinary) & translational preclinical investigation (human). Utilize animal models of injury and disease and client animals (natural disease) as intermediates to human implementation and testing. Dr. George E. Moore, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM & ACVPM; Director, Veterinary Laboratory Animal Care (VLAC) The VLAC facilities provide housing & quarantine services for genetically engineered rodents & nude mice, as well as other species. Dr. Jerry Davis, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACLAM, Director, Core Laboratory for Image Analysis & Multidimensional Applications Shared applications laboratory in support of research & teaching. 3D visualization & construction (CT, MRI, confocal). Image processing & analysis, and light microscopy. Creation of high-resolution digital libraries of entire histology & pathology slides. Dr. John Turek, PhD, Director, MDRU AFFILIATED FACULTY Pathologist: Dr. Bill Van Alstine, DVM, PhD. Gross and microscopic anatomic pathology. Surgeon: Dr. Lynetta Freeman, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACVS. Minimally invasive surgery. Questions regarding preclinical stages for biomedical devices should be referred to Dr. Freeman. Neurologist: Dr. Rebecca Packer, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM, Neurology. Intracranial/spinal surgeries, electrodiagnostic evaluations, biopsies of muscle/peripheral nerve/brain tissue, CSF taps (spinal fluid). Neurological exams. Interpret MRI images from brain and spinal cord. Differential interference contrast image Scanning electron micrograph One micron section of tumor spheroid Higher magnification view of outer living shell & region of necrosis Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine MEDICAL DISCOVERY RESOURCE UNIT (MDRU ) Standard Operating Procedures documented in all laboratories. Good Clinical Practice procedures used where appropriate. Continuous quality improvement through evaluation of services and user feedback. QUALITY CONTROL AND ASSURANCES Ventilated racks for transgenic mice Experimental surgery suite Client animals for clinical trials using animal models of naturally occurring disease Large scale digital image databases Histopathology Biomedical devices Correlative microscopy Digital mammography viewer Laboratory animal housing