R ESPONSE TO I NTERVENTION The practice of : 1) providing high-quality instruction and interventions that match students’ needs 2) using students’ learning rate over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions
Communication Arts AIMSweb Assessments AbbreviationBasic Description of the Assessment Letter Naming Fluency (K-1) LNFStudents identify the names of letters. Timed assessment. Letter Sound Fluency (K-1) LSFStudents identify the sounds of letters. Timed assessment. Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (K-1) PSFStudents orally segment words provided. Timed assessment. Ex- teacher says hot, student responds h-o-t Nonsense Word Fluency (K-2) NWFStudents read CVC nonsense words (not real words) to show fluency on blending sounds. Ex- bim, lat, fez Reading Curriculum Based Measure (Gr. 1-5) RCBMStudents read grade level passages. Timed assessment. MAZE (Gr. 2-5)MAZEStudents choose the appropriate word (from a list of 3) that fits within the context of a given sentence/passage.
Math AIMSweb AssessmentsAbbreviationBasic Description of the Assessment Oral Counting Measure (K-1)OCMStudents count, starting at 1, to get to 100. Timed assessment. Number Identification Measure (K-1) NIMStudents identify numbers. Timed assessment. Quantity Discrimination Measure (K-1) QDMStudents identify the number in a set that is greater. Timed assessment. Ex- 9 4, Missing Number Measure (K-1) MNMStudents identify the number that is missing from a set of numbers. Timed assessment. Ex- __ 7 8, 13 __ 15 Mathematics Curriculum Based Measure (Gr. 1-5) MCBMStudents complete grade level math problems. Timed assessment. Mathematics Concepts and Applications (Gr. 2-5) MCAPSelected response assessment of the five strands of mathematics. Timed assessment.
T IER T RANSITION R EPORT Indicates the percentage of students in each level 3 Levels: 1) Established (Green) Students who met the target (50 th percentile and above) 2) Emerging (Yellow) Students below target (49 th- 31 tst percentile) 3) Deficient (Red) Student significantly below target (30 th percentile and below) Our Goal in Raytown: 80% of our students meeting the target
S UMMARY OF I MPACT R EPORT Indicates level of instructional impact on individual student achievement from Fall to Winter 1) Impact of Benchmark Curriculum- Established- Students who met the target (50 th percentile and above) 2) Impact of Support Program- Emerging - Students below target (49 th- 31 tst percentile) 3) Impact of Intensive Support- Deficient -Student significantly below target (30 th percentile and below) Checkmark indicates placement whether students met Winter target.
H OW W E U SE THE D ATA Weekly data meetings to analyze student data: Is what we are doing working? Which students need further support? What specific interventions are needed? What professional development is needed to enhance instruction? Data is used to inform instruction during math and communication arts. At-risk students are identified and plans are created using specific research based strategies. Wednesday Early Outs allows for ongoing professional development to meet the needs of all students.