Cold War at Home Objective: 1) Explain how the government created a feeling of hysteria and fear of Communists infiltrating the United States by defining and explaining the impact of McCarthyism HUAC 2) Identify why the Hollywood 10 and the Rosenberg’s were targeted as being Communists by defining who they were, explain if they were fairly targeted, and the result of their being targeted
Cold War at Home 1.Americans are afraid Communists are secretly living in the US and causing Americans to spy on the US 2.HUAC (House Committee on Un- American Activities) accused Hollywood of enabling Communists to secretly input Pro-Communist messages in movies Why do you feel the Govt. went after Hollywood? Why does Hollywood get so much criticism sometimes? –In the GD many Americans went to Communist meetings WHY do you think many Americans were interested in Communism during the Great Depression They felt US & Democracy was a failure (Communism was seen a an alternative where the Gov. created jobs and provided essential services (housing) for all people
3.“Friendlies” –actors, film makers who gave names of suspected Communists (Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney) 4.Hollywood Ten – writers, directors, and producers who refused to give names of people who went to Communist meetings in the 30’s –If you were named, you lost everything! (friends, jobs, respect unless you gave more names) What do you think would happen to these people if they refused to give names? Blacklisted –Hollywood 10 were never allowed to work ever again in Hollywood (and served time in jail) Who do you feel was being more American? Friendlies, who felt they were helping to stop Communism, or the Hollywood 10, who refused to “rat” on people
Rosenberg's Trial Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – Accused of selling A- bomb secrets to Soviets (received the death penalty) Do you feel the Soviet’s developed the A-Bomb on their own or stole the plans from the US? –1 st Americans executed for espionage (spying) –Evidence was not conclusive and they were innocent of helping Soviets develop the A-Bomb Why do you feel the Americans were so passionate and spiteful towards the Rosenburg’s?
McCarthyism McCarthyism – “witch hunt” for Communists Explain what a “witch hunt” means? (Think- How many people really are witches? Why do people believe/support witch hunts?) Senator Joe McCarthy - mediocre senator from Wisconsin, (felt hunting Communists was a way to get re-elected and famous) “The List” McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists that worked in the Govt. –The # on the list changed and had no proof of Communists –What do you think would happen if a person questioned McCarthy because he never provided evidence?
McCarthyism CONTINUED –Americans felt McCarthy was doing the right thing. They did not know he was lying. Americans were afraid to speak out for fear of being labeled a Communist. Downfall – McCarthy accused the ARMY of having Communists –Televised hearings vs the Army’s lawyers who demanded to see the evidence that McCarthy could not provide, McCarthy looked like a bully and lost support –Analyze the new role television is going to fulfill in regards to informing Americans. Will television help or hurt the direction of information in the country? What new technologys is providing people with information to make form their opinions?