FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Bernard Arulanandam Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Jane and Roland Blumberg Professor in Biology; Associate Dean of Research for Scientific Innovation, College of Sciences Research Focus: Vaccine development with Chlamydia trachomatis and Francisella tularensis 4 Patents for his work have already been issued with others pending Dr. Arulanandam Funding from the National Institutes of Health and DoD on regular basis Directs the DoD Center of Excellence in Infection Genomics
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Ravi Sandhu Professor of Computer Science; Executive Director and Chief Scientist Institute for Cyber Security; Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security Dr. Ravi Sandhu The Executive Director of the Institute for Cyber Security at UTSA Examines basic and applied research in cyber security Research Focus: Cloud Computing Security Attribute-Based Access Control Data and Application Security and Privacy Cyber Security Foundations
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Doug Frantz Associate Professor; Chemistry Department Dr. Doug Frantz’s lab is currently working on: Growing new heart muscle cells Turn cancerous cells benign Developing drug-like molecules that target stem cells to treat heart disease and cancer Research Focus: Novel methods of organic chemistry Stem cell differentiation
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Misty Sailors Professor; Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Department Dr. Misty Sailors is currently researching: Reading instruction of teachers and reading achievement of young children in Malawi The cost effectiveness and short- and long- term cost benefit of the Read Malawi Program Research Focus: Literacy tools found in elementary classrooms The professional development of reading teachers and literacy coaches International reading program development Reading research methodologies
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Lloyd B. Potter Professor of Demography; Director, Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research; Associate Dean for Research, College of Public Policy Research Focus: Population and socioeconomic characteristics, trends, projections, and dynamics Program assessment and evaluation Demography of energy, water, mental health, injury, health, labor force, mortality, and education Dr. Llyod Potter Texas State Demographer Directs the Texas State Data Center
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Daniel Pack Professor and Department Chair Mary L. Clarke Endowed Chair Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Daniel Pack’s research includes: An Unmanned Systems Laboratory Intelligent and Sensor-Based robotics for Military and Civilian applications Research Focus: Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Intelligent and Sensor-Based Control Distributed Estimation Optimal Sensor Management
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Hazem Rashed-Ali Associate Professor; Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, College of Architecture Dr. Rashed-Ali’s current projects include: Energy efficiency retrofits of historic homes, Use of augmented reality technology in undergraduate STEM education, Post-occupancy evaluations of buildings. Research Focus: Energy Efficient Buildings, Building Performance Simulation, Design Decision Support Systems, Sustainability Assessment Frameworks and Rating Systems.
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Hamid Beladi Professor of Economics; Associate Dean of Research Research Focus: International trade and investment Cross-border mergers Issues related to multinational corporations Foreign investment and designing of incentive-compatible contracts Dr. Hamid Beladi Editor of the International Review of Economics and Finance, the North American Journal of Economics and Finance and Frontiers of Economics and Globalization Examines fundamental theoretical and methodological contributions to international trade and global business issues
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Rebekah E. Smith Associate Professor of Psychology; Director, Cognitive Aging Lab, College of Liberal and Fine Arts Research Focus: Cognition in young and older adults Remembering to perform actions in the future, called prospective memory. False memories and how these memory errors can be avoided. Dr. Rebekah Smith is currently investigating The effects of a familiar context on how young and older adults remember to perform intended actions. Differential effects of distinctiveness on true and false memory in young and older adults.
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Nicole L. Beebe Assistant Professor; Dept. of Information Systems & Cyber Security Center for Education and Research in Information and Infrastructure Security Dr. Nicole Beebe’s funded research includes: Insider threat detection using digital forensics Advanced data type classification Digital forensic ranking algorithms Intelligent digital forensics search systems Research Focus: Digital Forensics Information Security Data Mining and Analytics
FACULTY SUCCESS Dr. Yusheng Feng Professor and Center Director; Computational Bioengineering Center for Simulation, Visualization and Real-Time Prediction (SiViRT) Dr. Yusheng Feng’s lab is currently working on: Tumor growth modeling Cancer cell migration simulation 3D stereoscopic simulators for medical training Research Focus: Computational Cancer Research Cardiothoracic Surgery Simulation Immersive Virtual Surgery Training Novel Medical Device Design