FACE™ is a Trademark of The Open Group Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Competimates: Learning how to collaborate Bob Matthews Air Combat Electronics (PMA209) FACE Integrated Project Team Lead (AIR ) FACE Steering Committee Chair NAVAIR Public Release Distribution Statement A "Approved for public release distribution is unlimited”
2 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR B787 Next Military Vehicle Unaffordable! F-35 ~9.5 Million SLOC ~17 yrs. Start->EIS GAO page 18 6/2012 F/A-18 F-22 F-16 F-14 B-2 A-10 Avionics cost - complexity …the unaffordable trend in modern systems Time/ Cost Complexity/SLOC S/W Integration Dominant H/W Dominant B737 B777 A300/B747 A320 A340 A380 Next Military Vehicle Possible! B787 ~10 Million SLOC ~7 yrs. start->EIS Boeing quoted in NYC Aviation, 9/28/2011
3 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Why a FACE Consortium? National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)(P.L ) and OMB Circular A-119 defines and sets preference for voluntary consensus standards bodies The FACE Consortium is formed by The Open Group with the following P.L defined attributes: Openness Balance of interest Due process An appeals process Consensus Enabler for consortium participation by US agencies Registered under NTTAA
4 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR New Business Approach Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release “You have a choice: you can either create your own future, or you can become the victim of a future that someone else creates for you. By seizing the transformation opportunities, you are seizing the opportunity to create your own future.” Vice Admiral (ret.) Arthur K. Cebrowski
5 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Business Goals Develop, Implement and Communicate Attractive Industry-Government Business Models that Incorporate the FACE Vision and Mission –Define business models that communicate FACE consortium goals to government and industry –Develop plans, procedures and certification environments to certify software products as FACE conformance –Define operational, functional and physical requirements for the identification, storage, management and distribution of FACE conformant products –Promote the use of the FACE approach in avionics developments, procurements and upgrades through messaging, outreach efforts and events
6 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Industry Benefits Enables new markets –Creates software-centric market opportunities –Enables penetration of formerly closed platforms –Provides opportunity for software applicability to multiple aircraft types Lowers cost of doing business –Common standards lower cost and schedule risks –Standardization of software interfaces allows for rapid development of capabilities –Re-use of software applications enables integrators to increase platform capabilities
7 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR How FACE Initiative is Different From previous DoD OA efforts Public-Private collaboration to establish value for both customer and supplier –Focus on IP data rights – government managed interfaces and business protection of industry investment in IP for capabilities FACE initiative is addressing business aspects in parallel with development of the Technical Standard –Analyzed previous OA efforts –Developed FACE Business Guide –Establish FACE Library to provide the infrastructure necessary to enable the discovery and acquisition of FACE Conformant products Enables the software supplier to control the flow of information –Standard defined in sufficient detail to allow robust conformance certification program Designed as platform and hardware agnostic –Allows for unprecedented scale of reuse across multiple platforms with unique implementations Aggressive outreach by both Industry and Gov’t
9 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Establish a standard common operating environment to support portable capability-based applications across Department of Defense (DoD) avionics systems –Determine a strict set of Open Standards for the environment –Build upon Open Architecture (OA), Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) and Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) –Portable, Modular, Partitioned, Scalable, Extendable, Secure Reduce life cycle costs and time to field Obtain Industry and DoD Program Management endorsement Facilitate conformance with standards to maximize interoperability between applications within the avionics system FACE Objectives
10 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR DoD Airborne systems are typically developed for a unique set of requirements by a single vendor –Long lead times, even for urgent needs –Platform-unique designs limit reuse of software and increase cost –Creates barriers to competition within and across platforms Current DoD Acquisition structure does not support the process of software reuse across different programs –Aviation community has not adopted a common set of OA standards sufficient to allow the reuse of software components across the DoD fleet –Aviation community has failed to enforce conformance to any existing open standards that are in use –Platform PMAs are not funded to assume cost or schedule risk of multi- platform requirements Why FACE Initiative? The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) initiative is an approach designed as a response to the DoD aviation community’s probl ems
11 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Government Benefits Better Buying Power 2.0 –Promote effective competition, achieve affordability, and control life cycle costs –Incentivize productivity and innovation in Industry and Government –Reduces subsequent software development times through modularity and portability –Eliminate redundancy within Warfighter portfolios Cross-Platform Decision-Making –Ability to re-use applications across multiple platforms without cross-platform dependencies –No need to invest multiple times for the same capability –Common operating environment and data architecture enable system of systems integration and interoperability
12 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Consortium Members Sponsor Level Member Organizations Lockheed Martin Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) US Army PEO Aviation Rockwell Collins AdaCore Aitech Defense Systems, Inc. Astronautics Corporation of America Avalex Technologies Avionics Interface Technologies Barco Federal Systems Brockwell Technologies CALCULEX Carnegie Mellon Univ. – Software Engineering Institute CERTON Software, Inc. Chesapeake Technology Int’l. CMC Electronics Cobham Aerospace Communications Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. CTSi Curtiss-Wright Controls Defense Solutions DDC-I DornerWorks Draper Laboratory Enea Software & Services ENSCO Avionics Esterel Technologies Exelis Inc. Fairchild Controls GE Intelligent Platforms General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Howell Instruments, Inc. Johns Hopkins Univ. - APL Kaman Precision Products KIHOMAC Kutta Technologies L-3 Communications LDRA Technology LynuxWorks Mercury Systems Mobile Reasoning, Inc Physical Optics Corp. Presagis Pyrrhus Software QinetiQ North America Real-Time Innovations RichlandTechnologies Stauder Technologies Support Systems Associates Symetrics Industries Thomas Production Company Tresys Technology TTTech North America, Inc. Tucson Embedded Systems US Army Electronic Proving Ground Verocel Zodiac Data Systems ATK BAE Systems Bell Helicopter Boeing Elbit Systems of America GE Aviation Systems General Dynamics Green Hills Software Harris Corporation Honeywell Aerospace IBM Northrop Grumman Raytheon Sierra Nevada Corp. Sikorsky Aircraft Textron Systems US Army AMRDEC UTC Aerospace Systems Wind River Sponsor Level Member Organizations Principal Level Member Organizations Associate Level Member Organizations
13 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Business Practices Program Office FACE Technical Standards FACE Rqmt’s System with FACE Software Conformance Library Enter and/or Search for FACE Software System Integrator Platform Testing FACE Software and Artifacts Conformance Testing Operational Test and Evaluation Search for FACE Software FACE Rqmt’s HW Suppliers Hardware Suppliers Hardware Platform Integration Search for FACE Software Platform Supplier Conformance Documentation Software Suppliers Subsystem Integrator FACE Procurement OV-1 High Level Concept Graphic
14 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR IP / Data Rights FACE Business Strategy Government needs to use LSI role to define product line architectures –Maintaining data rights to the interfaces Unlimited rights or GPR to the IDD, SAD, SDD “Market driven” will be defined by Industry’s ROI analysis Ongoing bi-directional communication will lessen the gap between government and industry Interfaces need to be managed separately from business logic Current laws regarding IP rights when there is public investment always take precedence Funding Data Rights* Innovation Quality Capability Availability GovernmentMixedIndustry UnlimitedGPRRestricted As DirectedMarket Driven Intellectual Property (IP) *as negotiated in the contract
15 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Published FACE Documentation FACE Technical Standard Edition 1.0 – 2.htmhttp:// 2.htm Technical Corrigendum for FACE Edition 1.0 – FACE Technical Standard Edition 1.1 –TBDTBD FACE Technical Standard Edition 2.0 –Including Data Model and Reference Implementation Guide – FACE Conformance Policy – FACE Conformance Authorities Plan – FACE Business Guide, Version 1.1 – 5.htmhttp:// 5.htm FACE Conformance Statement – ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16656https:// ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16656 FACE Verification Statement – ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16719https:// ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16719 –FACE Conformance Verification Matrix User's Guide – FACE Conformance Verification Matrix Edition 1.1 – mwww.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/x1318a.ht m FACE Conformance Verification Matrix Edition 2.0 – mwww.opengroup.org/bookstore/catalog/x1318b.ht m FACE Library Requirements Document Edition 2.0 – ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16630https:// ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16630 FACE Library Implementation Plan – ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16438https:// ction=show&dcat=&gdid=16438