Green Libraries on Green Campuses “If it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable”
Outline Background/Terminology Selected examples: – University Initiatives – Laurier Initiatives – Library Initiatives Your questions/ideas First question: why go green?
Why go Green? Preserve environment Save money Promote health Raise awareness Improve learning Enhance image Impress donors Aid recruitment Instill pride Model behaviour Create hope
Challenges Costs: time, money, staff Long-term goals vs short-term budget What is green? Understanding and awareness Political will and buy-in Resistance to change Competing interests Sustaining interest Impact = opportunities
Background Green vs Sustainable Main principles: – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle
University Initiatives Standards: LEED: 12 Ontario campuses STARS assessment Green Pledge (Ontario) Talloires Declaration (International) Campus Climate Challenge (supports student initiatives) Courses, work study for students Faculty research
Energy savings Major reductions: University of Buffalo OCAD student centre Sharing power: Queen’s Energy audits by students Monitoring use in real time “Change a light, change the world”: Ithaca Energy from exercise machines: Oregon State
Transportation savings Bus passes for students, staff and faculty Parking cashout Car pools/van pools Biodiesel: Guelph, Montana Emergency ride programs Bicycle support Class scheduling
Reducing/Reusing/Recycling Model dorm room: Tulane University Swap Shop: University of Toronto From the campus to the community: Queen’s Ewaste recycling – 16 tons diverted at Carleton in 2008 – Battery drop-offs, recycling Recyclemania competition
Other Ideas One Book, One Campus: Chandler Gilbert Community College Learning garden: UBC Okanagan Green roofs: 14 Ontario universities Green pledges Interactive campus map of green initiatives
Incentives Grants for students, faculty, staff Course credit/Work study Savings back to units: Florida Prizes for success stories Discounts for food and drink containers Residence challenges
Sustainability at Laurier Sustainability policy (April 2009) Sustainability Office and Committee Aiming for Silver LEED standard at Brantford Taking part in STARS assessment
Laurier Initiatives Composting program Laurier Farm Market Green seal cleaning products U-Pass for buses Ecotainers from Food Services Reusable cups at Terrace Bike network
Libraries and Sustainability Major consumers Models of resource sharing Collections: green books Partners in teaching – Green resource guides Hubs of activity – Green displays and signage – Green speakers and events
Library Initiatives Green Libraries Directory (LEED ratings) Green Library Blogs Green Conferences Sustainability Librarian: U of Nevada Eco-Librarian course Research: Rochester Kill-a-Watt project: UBC
Laurier Library Initiatives Book bags Textbook drive Date due slips Computer monitors Electronic books and journals New bottle-free cooler
Library Buildings LEED ratings Think local – Climate – Landscape – Materials – Vendors – Architects User focus
Lighting Energy demand Natural daylighting: Duke Productivity: Herschong Occupancy sensors High efficiency lights Student research project: Ithaca
Computers/Electronic equipment EPEAT rating system Power management, not screensavers Energy efficient blade servers (Primo) Turn off monitors/computers Laptops for energy savings Small monitors for energy savings “Ecoprint,” “Ecofont” Reusing/Recycling computers, cartridges
Paper Saving at Gerstein Double-sided printing Partnering with Sustainability Office Marketing: – “Two sides are better than one” – “Paper cuts don’t have to hurt” Paper reuse stand – “Leave a sheet, take a sheet” Savings into recycled paper
Paper Saving Ideas Do you really need a paper copy? Use 2 nd side Reduce margins (Penn State) Reduce images (“Printwhatyoulike”) Encourage downloading – Store in RefWorks – “Print free day”: Bank Street College Electronic signage
Other Ideas for Libraries Sustainability in Strategic Plan Stop junk mail Survey staff/users: Indiana U Library Fair trade coffee Book jackets into gift bags Film slides into curtains Library desk from recycled books
Looking Ahead Power of One Connections: The Library & the University – Eco-champions – Library green teams: Dalhousie Selected Annotated Resources Questions/Comments/Ideas for moving forward?