Mrs. Wohleb Career / Technical Education
Welcome Note I look forward to working with each of you in the upcoming year. I am always available for questions or comments. You may me at or set up a time to meet with me after school.
Courses Description Business Technology Essentials –Microsoft Word 2003 –Microsoft Excel 2003 –Microsoft Access 2003 –Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
Expectations Regular Attendance: You can't do well in school if you aren't here! Bring Required Materials to Class: Always have a pencil, pen, paper, and folder. Complete Assignments Correctly, Accurately, and On Time: Late assignments will not be accepted without prior arrangements. If you miss a day, you have one day to make up missed work. You are responsible for finding out what you miss when you are absent.
Expectations Continued Use Computers Properly and Ethically: Follow all computer use rules. Violations will be dealt with appropriately. Comply With Network User Agreement: There will be no leniency afforded to anyone who violates any portion of the school network agreement.
Most Importantly Have a Good Attitude: Everyone has bad days. Don't let a bad day make you a bad person to be around. Respect Each Other: Respect the ideas of others. Don't belittle someone simply because you don't agree. Be polite.
Computer Lab Rules No students may be in the room during lunch unattended. Do not bring in personal disks or CD's for use in these computers. Do not download sound files to the hard drive. They take up a great deal of space and are not necessary for learning. If you lose your disk, you will have to pay for a new one. Keep track of your disk and put it away each day. No student may use the internet in this classroom without having a signed internet agreement on file with the school. Proofread documents from the screen before printing. Do not waste printer ink for drafts. If you accidentally print something and need to stop it, turn off the printer and notify the teacher immediately. DO NOT modify printer settings or try to figure it out on your own.
Computer Lab Rules Continued Do not visit unacceptable internet web sites. Do not visit any public chat rooms. Students may not modify any settings on the computer. This includes printer settings, screensavers, desktop wallpaper, and desktop icons. If you accidentally change something, notify the teacher immediately. If your computer freezes or does something unusual, notify the teacher immediately. Students should keep the lab clean. Scrap paper, misprinted papers, and homework assignments should not be left on the desks or in the desks.
Beginning Procedures Be prepared at the beginning of each class. Each day there will be an assignment posted on the board. Start working on it immediately. When the tardy bell rings, be in your seat. If you are not, you are tardy.
Ending Procedures The bell does not dismiss you, I do. You must have your workstation and/or desk clean before you leave. All chairs at the computer lab must be pushed in. Turn all papers into the box labeled with your class block.
Last But Not Least I want all of you to walk away from this class with the knowledge they need to succeed in the “real” world. I expect you to work hard, and at the same time have fun and enjoy what you are doing. We have several great projects to explore, and I expect you to do your best work.
Were You Listening? You may come on your lunch break to use the computer? TF
Were You Listening? Chat rooms are a great source of education and should be used whenever possible. TF
Were You Listening? At the beginning of class each day you should… A. Sit quietly at your desk for roll call B. Start working on the board assignment C. Talk quietly until the lesson starts
Were You Listening? I expect you to… Be Here Bring Required Material Complete Assignments All of the Above