Going Paperless Digital Classroom Spring 2013
Paperless classroom Digital devices Digital information Virtual connections Device neutral apps and programs
Why? Environmentally-friendly Reduce expenses for reams of paper & printer ink Employ digital devices for learning rather than other non- productive uses Develop digitally competent and technology literate learners Promote 21 st century learning and teaching
How? Install and use apps for paperless support Edmodo, Evernote, Dropbox, Skitch, Socrative, Dropitto.me, Red Laser, Diigo, EasyBib, Penultimate, InkFlow, Today’s Meet, Haiku Deck, and Ask3 Gradually replace tasks, communication, instructions, assessment, and assignments that require hard copies (paper) with digital copies ‘Hand out’ and ‘turn in’ assignments virtually Design your own plan for reducing paper
Paperless Classroom – Plan of Action Virtually share monthly newsletter Create my newsletter in Evernote a link to parents to the Dropbox file Give handouts to students Create the handout in Evernote or take a photo of it Save it as a pdf and post to Edmodo Option to publish to a blog Turn in homework digitally Give link to my DropItTo.me account Maybe get a Moodle course for turning in Or let them turn in work via Edmodo Gather feedback or exit slip Create survey questions in Socrative Send a link for students to join the class or have them install the app Analyze the feedback and save the results to Evernote
An Overview of Evernote Cloud-based storage for your files and photos FREE program to install and app for your mobile devices Sync among multiple devices including: PC or Mac Laptop iPhone or Smartphone iPad or Android tablet files to your Evernote account from anywhere Check out the Evernote Trunk for more apps to use Search your notes and graphics with keywords Install the new ‘Web Clipper’ tool on your browser toolbar
An Overview of DropBox Install the software on your desktop or laptop A DropBox folder will be placed in your My Documents Install the DropBox app on your mobile device Save documents or drag & drop them into your DropBox folder Work offline & sync later or work on local drive
An Overview of Socrative Engage the class using any device Free web-based program and apps for teacher and student Log in as a teacher and create activities Students open their app or site and join your class with your ‘room number’ Start the quiz and let them respond; collect data and save Limit of 50 users per activity