English II Week 8, Quarter 4
Monday, 5/4 OBJECTIVES: DOL: EOC Skills NOVEL: Project WEEK AT A GLANCE: Mon.--DOL; Novel Project Tues.--DOL; Novel Project Wed.—MINI-ASSESSMENT/EOC Review Thurs.—DOL; EOC Review Fri.—DOL; Novel Project DUE ASSIGNMENT: NOVEL Project
Tuesday, 5/5 OBJECTIVES: DOL: EOC Skills NOVEL: Project ASSIGNMENT: NOVEL Project (Friday)
Thursday, 5/7 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Read over Study Guide for EOC EOC Discussion –Work on Study Guide –Discuss Novel Project/Due Date NO PENCIL LEAD UNDER CHAIRS !!!! ASSIGNMENT: NOVEL Project (Friday)
Friday, 5/8 OBJECTIVES: Help Take Down Posters EOC Discussion –Writing Prompt –Work on Study Guide ASSIGNMENT: NOVEL Project (next week Wednesday)
CP English III Week 8, Quarter 4
Monday, 5/4 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Verb Issues REWRITE/NOVEL –MONDAY/TUESDAY Revisions will be addressed Thursday You will work on Grammar Packet and Novel Packet Novel Discussion— Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday WEEK AT A GLANCE: Mon.—DOL; Novel Tues.--DOL; Novel Wed.—DOL Check; Novel Thurs.—ESSAY Fri.—Quiz and Novel ASSIGNMENT: Essay/Grammar Review (Verbs) Novel
Tuesday, 5/5 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Verb Packet Novel: Discussion –Theme –Symbols –Biblical Imagery ASSIGNMENT: Verb Review Packet (Friday) Novel Packet (test day) –May drop FIVE questions.
Verb Issue Verbs must agree in NUMBER: 1.Find your true subject. 2.Determine if it’s singular/plural. The trees (by the road) HAVE turned a deep red this fall. The words (to the songs) (in the musical) WERE written by a lyricist in another city.
Verb Issue Must agree with INDEFINITE PRONOUNS with regard to NUMBER: 1.Determine if the indefinite pronoun is singular/plural. 2.Ignore the PREP. PHRASE (object of the preposition) 3.Examples: –Singular: Everybody (one, thing), Either, and One –Plural: Both, All, and Most Most (of the horses) (at the riding academy) ARE gentle and forgiving. Either (of the options) IS acceptable.
Verb Issue Must agree in NUMBER with COMPOUND SUBJECTS. 1.Find your true subject. Can you replace it with a “it” vs. “they”? 2.AND/(N)OR 1.Plural with “and” (exception—peanut butter “and” jelly; viewed as a single unit) 2.Singular/Plural with “or”—depends on the subject/noun closest to the verb Either the striped shirt or the plaid pants HAVE got to go. Neither the news anchor nor the weather forecaster HAS prepared well… Popcorn and soft drinks OUTSELL at the theater.
Verb Issue: Other COLLECTIVE NOUN: singular OR plural (be consistent) The panel HAVE all completed their speeches… The panel HAS completed its discussion… INVERTED SENTENCES: Here IS the key… There ARE several ways… Ethics IS the study( of moral behavior).
Wednesday, 5/6 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Packet Novel: Discussion NO PENCIL LEAD UNDER CHAIRS !!!! ASSIGNMENT: Verb Review Packet (Friday) Novel Packet (test day) –May drop FIVE questions.
Thursday, 5/7 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Packet Novel: Discussion –Finish Chapter 40 –Discuss Testing for Next Week ASSIGNMENT: Verb Review Packet (Friday) Novel Packet (test day) –May drop FIVE questions.
Friday, 5/8 OBJECTIVES: DOL: Packet DUE Work on Essay 7 th Hour—Girls who wrote book about Mr. C? See Me! ASSIGNMENT: Novel Packet (test day) –May drop FIVE questions.
Publications Week 8, Quarter 4
Monday, 5/4 OBJECTIVES: PERFORMANCE SHEETS YB –Discuss Revisions and Calendar NP –Discuss Revisions and Calendar ASSIGNMENTS: Upcoming Events???
Tuesday, 5/5 OBJECTIVES: YB –Work independently NP –Reduce to single sheet –Revise –Nicole Estopare (see me) ASSIGNMENTS: Whatever PICTURES/INFO. you need, get them!!!!
Wednesday, 5/6 OBJECTIVES: YB –Work independently NP –Revise –Contact Printing Company ASSIGNMENTS: BAND CONCERT— tonight/Wed. CHOIR BANQUET— tomorrow/Thur.
Thursday, 5/7 OBJECTIVES: YB –Work independently –TOMORROW—pages must be turned in with performance sheet NP –Nicole Sikes—see REED –Revise –Contact Printing Company –Work on new articles ASSIGNMENTS: CHOIR BANQUET— tonight
Friday, 5/8 OBJECTIVES: PERFORMANCE SHEETS DUE YB –Work independently –Shelby—article for Honors Banquet –Need Canaday Picture –Turn in pages that are due!!! NP –Revise –Contact Printing Company –Work on new articles ASSIGNMENTS: Blood Drive