The American Revolution. patriots- those who love their country patriots- those who love their country governor- a person appointed to rule an area governor-


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Presentation transcript:

The American Revolution

patriots- those who love their country patriots- those who love their country governor- a person appointed to rule an area governor- a person appointed to rule an area navigation- the science of getting ships from place to place navigation- the science of getting ships from place to place instruct- to give an order instruct- to give an order stark- bare, harsh stark- bare, harsh tyrant- a ruler who abuses power tyrant- a ruler who abuses power swagger- to walk self-confidently swagger- to walk self-confidently spunk- spirit, liveliness spunk- spirit, liveliness

Vocabulary governorinstructnavigationpatriots spunkstarkswaggertyrant The (1) found a way to serve their country. The (2) was a fair leader of the colony. The captain used (3) to steer his ship to the colonies. The soldiers were to (4) the others about the order. The bare trees looked (5) against the winter sky. Kindly General Gage was not a mean (6). The soldiers would (7) proudly across Boston Common. He showed (8) when he talked back to the general.

WORD FAMILIES patriot navigate WORD FAMILIES patriot navigate 1. She showed her patriotism when she served during the war. (patriotism: patriot + ism, love of country) 2. We thought he was unpatriotic because he did not bother to vote. (unpatriotic: un- + patriot + -ic, not caring for one’s country) 3. The captain was a skilled navigator. (navigator : navigate + -or, one who steers the course of a ship) 4. Sailors who learn navigation often use the sun and stars to help them. (navigation: navigate + -ion, the act of steering a ship)

Spelling List Spelling List 1. minus 2. loser 3. humor 4. closet 5. recent 6. student 7. equal 8. profile 9. local 10. comet 11. vacant 12. punish 13. cavern 14. shiver 15. decent 16. linen 17. legal 18. panic 19. smoky 20. tyrant 21. valley 22. fifteen 23. culture 24. fatigue 25. fugitive

The point at which two syllables meet determines whether the vowel sound is long or short. If the syllable ends in a vowel, as in the word hu-man, then the vowel sound is long and has a V/CV pattern. If the syllable ends in a consonant, then the vowel sound is short and has a VC/V pattern, as in wag-on..

VERBS An action verb is a word that tells what happens or what happened. A verb must agree with its subject ~ a singular subject takes a singular verb. ~A plural subject takes a plural verb. ~ Add –s to most verbs in the present tense if the subject is singular. ~ If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. ~Do not add –s to the verb if the subject is a plural noun.

Make Inferences and Analyze Make Inferences and Analyze Good Readers use text clues and what they know from their own experience to make inferences about a story.

Writer’s Checklist Writer’s Checklist  Ideas and Content: Did I choose a good topic and narrow the focus to include the most interesting details about my character?  Organization: Does the Sequence of ideas make sense?  Voice: Does the first-person point of view express my character’s feelings and thoughts?  Word Choice: Do the words reveal my character’s personality?  Sentence Fluency: Do the sentences match the way the character would speak?  Conventions: Do my subjects and verbs agree? Did I check my spelling?

The point at which two syllables meet determines whether the vowel sound is long or short. If the syllable ends in a vowel, as in the word hum-an, then the vowel sound is long and has a V/CV pattern. If the syllable ends in a consonant, then the vowel sound is short and has a VC/V pattern, as in wag-on

An action verb is a word that tells what happens or what happened. An action verb is a word that tells what happens or what happened. A verb must agree with its subject. a singular subject takes a singular verb. A plural subject takes a plural verb. A verb must agree with its subject. a singular subject takes a singular verb. A plural subject takes a plural verb. Add –s to most verbs in the present tense if the subject is singular. Add –s to most verbs in the present tense if the subject is singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Do not add –s to the verb if the subject is a plural noun. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Do not add –s to the verb if the subject is a plural noun.