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Presentation transcript:


Introduction to the Arab World The Arab homeland stretches some 5 millions square miles The population of the Arab nation approximately 290 million Agriculture is the primary economic activity. The most important food crops are wheat, barley, rice, maize, dates and millet, cotton, sugarcane, sugar beets and sesame.

Natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas, iron-ore, lead, phosphate, cobalt and manganese. Civilizations: ancient Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia and Phoenicia Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Islam and the Arabic language constitute the two predominant cultural features. The Arab people, spread over a vast area, enjoy common bonds of history and tradition. Members of twenty-two different countries, the Arabs consider themselves to be one nation. -Arab League 1945

Why study Islam? All Muslims share the same essential beliefs, values, and God-centered approach to the world. They look to the Qur’an, lifestyle and the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad for guidance in their daily affairs. Since they try to implement Qur’anic and prophetic guidance, it may be said that Muslims share a common Islamic culture. Therefore, a background about Islam will help in understanding Arabic culture and Arabs’ behavior.

What is Islam? The term Islam derives from the root s-l-m (submission, peace, commitment, surrender) Islam: Monotheistic religion revealed to Muhammad ibn Abdullah (610-632 C.E.). The name Islam was instituted by the Qur’an, sacred scripture revealed to Muhammad. Islam is not a new religion. It is the last reiteration of the primordial message of God’s Oneness, a theme found in earlier monotheistic religious traditions.

What does the term “ Allah ”mean? Allah = al + ilah = God Allah is the proper name for the Creator as found in the Qur’an. Eloh, Eluhim, El, Dios, Dieu

Who are Muslims? Muslim is one who willfully submits to God. In Islam, everything in creation ) microbes, plants, animals, mountains, human beings, rivers…( is “Muslim,” testifying to the majesty of the Creator and submitting or committing to His divine laws. Commonly, the term Muslim refers to one who believes in the “ Shahadah ”, and embraces a lifestyle in accordance with the Islamic principles and values.

What is “Shahadah”? Shahadah: Witnessing that “There is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger.”

The Five Pillars of Islam Shahadah - Declaration of Faith Salah - Prayer Sawm - Fasting Zakat - Mandatory Almsgiving Tax Hajj – Pilgrimage to Mecca

Basic Beliefs of Muslims Muslims believe in… Allah - The one God Angels - (and the world of the unseen) Prophets - (and Muhammad as the last prophet) Divine Scriptures (and the Qur’an as the final scripture) Day of judgment – (reward and punishment) Belief in Al-Qadar

What is the difference between the following? Islam Islamic Muslim

Mecca: A trading, cultural, religious center (Ka’aba- Al-Lat, Al-Uzza) Medina = Yathrib Jerusalem (Al-Isra, Al-Mi’raj) Hijra Hajiri calendar = (C.E. – 622) x 33/32

Portfolio Question Compare Islam to any religion or belief of your choice.