Unit 7 Test Review Test yourself to see if you know the answers before you click
What is a declension? A group of nouns with the same endings
Does a declension tell you what gender a noun is? No, 1 st declension has masculine and feminine nouns. The declension just tells you what endings it uses.
List one 2 nd declension noun with its singular, plural, gender, and definition puer, pueri, masculine = boy
Where are adjectives placed in foreign languages? After the noun
In what ways does a noun agree with an adjective in foreign languages? Gender (masculine or feminine) Number (singular or plural)
If you want to describe two singular nouns with an adjective, what form will the adjective be? plural
What form is the adjective describing a feminine and a masculine noun together? Masculine plural
What are the 1 st and 2 nd declension endings? SingularPlural 1 st decl. -a-ae 2 nd decl -us, -r -i
Name three sets of opposite adjectives. Bonus/bona…malus/malaMagnus/magna…parvus/parvaLongus/longa…latus/lata
How do you translate the article in Latin? You don’t. There are no articles in Latin.
What is unusual about agricola, poeta, nauta They are in 1 st declension but are masculine. Agricola bonus Agricolae boni