July 5 th 2015
TruthPeaceRight Conduct Non- Violence Love Shaha dah SalaahZakaatSawmHajj
The whole of Creation is made up of five elements. We see the imprint of this spiritual pentagon in the very constitution of man: in his five senses, five organs of action, five vital airs, five sensations, etc. Truly speaking, Creation is built on Five pillars; namely the Five elements. But the pillars of the outer physical world are only a reflection of the inner spiritual foundation. Swami tells us that these five spiritual pillars which are the bases of the inner and outer worlds are: Truth, Peace, Love, Right Conduct, and Non-Violence. The Religion of Islam is based on these five spiritual pillars: Shahadah which relates to Truth; Salah which relates to Peace; Zakat which relates to Right Conduct, Sawm which relates to Non –Violence and Haji which relates to Love.
1) Shahada - First pillar of Islam. It is a declaration of the Truth: “La allaha illa allah; Mohammed rasulul allah” which means “God is One and Mohammed is His Prophet.” This Truth is not only the basic pillar of Islam and indeed of all religions, but also the very foundation of Existence. All the Religions declare that God is One.
2) Salaah - Flag of Islam Builds the foundation of faith in Allah through prayer. This, truly, is Self- Confidence. The very goal of Salah is to remember Allah at all times of the day and night, and in the three states of consciousness – while waking (that is standing), while dreaming (that is sitting) and while sleeping (that is lying down). Muslims can pray anywhere, but it is especially good to pray with others in a mosque. Praying together in a congregation helps Muslims to realize that all humanity is one, and all are equal in the sight of God Dhikr - the Remembrance of Allah is the Soul of Islam. Without remembering Allah, according to the Prophet the whole of man’s actions and indeed the whole of his life is a mere waste Prayer Timings 1) Dawn, before sunrise: Fajr. 2) Midday, after the sun passes its highest point: Dhuhr. 3) The late part of the afternoon: Asr. 4) Just after sunset: Maghrib. 5) Late evening: Isha
3) Zakat - Charity Those who consider charity as a high duty and elevate their consciousness through prayers and continuous meditation on God are true Muslims. It is not merely a deduction of a certain percentage from one’s property, but an abundant enrichment and spiritual investment The spirit of charity, volunteerism, and service to others is a hallmark of Islam and among its greatest teachings. The Prophet (pbuh)never lost an opportunity to convey this message to others, and on this foundation he built a prosperous and charitable society oriented to public service
4) Sawm - Creates the walls of total dependence on Allah through fasting or putting a ceiling on desires. This is Self-Satisfaction. Many Muslims will take this time to try to become better Muslims by praying more or reading the Qur'an. Fasting helps train worshippers in patience and self-discipline and is an opportunity for them to express their gratefulness to God. Since fasting takes place during daylight hours, many Muslims will eat a meal, called Suhur, just before sunrise and eat Iftar (breakfast) after sunset. Friends and family often join each other for the evening meal.
5) Hajj - Holy pilgrimage to Mecca Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, color, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together. It is a ritual that is designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah Hajj literally means, “to continuously strive to reach one’s goal.” The Hajj, or Pilgrimage to Mecca, is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for those who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey
Thank You!