Perfect Active: › senex furem accusavit. › Romani hostes superaverunt. Perfect Passive: › fur a sene accusatus est. The thief has been accused by the old man. The thief was accused by the old man. › hostes a Romanis superati sunt. The enemy have been overcome by the Romans. The enemy were overcome by the Romans.
SingularPlural 1 st personportatus sumI have been carried portati sumuswe have been carried 2 nd personportatus esyou have been carried portati estisyou all have been carried 3 rd personporatatus esthe has been carried portati suntthey have been carried
Each form is made up of two words: › a perfect passive participles (e.g. portatus) in the singular or plural form. › a form of the present tense of sum
Iulius Caesar ab amicis oppugnatus est.
canis ab catto amatus est.
tu ab leonibus amatus es.
arcus ab Imperatore dedicatus est. › Imperator arcum dedicavit vos ad urbem missi estis. dux hostium a militibus captus est.