Subject-Verb Agreement
REVIEW: Identifying the S & V Find the verb first What is happening? (the action) Find the subject next Who or What is doing the action? Decide of they agree Do they sound right together? Unsure??? Follow the rules…
Subject-Verb Agreement Example Lisa watch her son playing on the jungle gym. S V S P No…. Fix it! Lisa watches her son playing on the jungle gym. S S
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 1: Ignore dependent clauses that separate subjects and verbs. Example: The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly. HINT: Read the sentence without the part in between the commas
Rule 1 Practice Fix The Mistake: The characters, who all struggled to deal with the conflict, looks for help from one another. The students, who were all excited to see a substitute teacher, was disappointed to find out they had a pop quiz. The characters, who all struggle to deal with the conflict, look for help from one another. The students, who were all excited to see a substitute teacher, were disappointed to find out they had a pop quiz.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 2: When using “either” or “neither” with singular nouns, the verb is singular (and “I” comes second). Example: Neither Jamie nor Sam is ready for the driver’s test. Either Jess or I am available to help you move this weekend. HINT: Break it up into 2 sentences…. (you don’t have to make up names this time!)
Rule 2 Practice Fix The Mistake: Either Lea or John are going to the game. Either Shaun or Rachel go with me to the movies each Friday. Neither she nor I are going to the funeral. Either Lea or John is going to the game. Either Shaun or Rachel goes with me to the movies each Friday. Neither she nor I am going to the funeral.
“Breaking it up” Practice Either a deer or a rabbit eats the rose petals. break it up…. A deer eats. A rabbit eats. Neither the girl nor the boy admits to breaking the vase. break it up…. The girl admits. The boy admits. Either of the choices sounds like fun. break it up…. Choice 1 sounds fun. Choice 2 sounds fun.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 3: When either and neither are subjects, they always take singular verbs. Example: Neither of them is available to speak right now. Either of us is capable of doing the job. HINT: Break it up into 2 sentences…. (and make up people’s names)
Rule 3 Practice Fix The Mistake: Either of them are ready to go. Neither of the students are going to pass the class.. Either of the books are good. Either of them is ready to go. Neither of the students is going to pass the class. Either of the books is good.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 4: When using “either” or “neither” any plural nouns must come second, and they take plural verbs. Example: Neither Jenny nor the others are available. Either the serving bowl or the plates go on that shelf. HINT: DON’T break it up into 2 sentences…. Just ignore the beginning and read from the plural noun to the end
Rule 4 Practice Fix The Mistake: Either Kim or her friends is going to the party. Neither his brothers nor Sam was at the game. The pen or the pencils sits in the cup. Either Kim or her friends are going to the party. Neither Sam nor his brothers were at the game. The pen or the pencils sit in the cup.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 5: The pronouns each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, and somebody are singular and require singular verbs. Do not be misled by what follows. Example: Each of the girls sings well. Every one of the cakes is delicious. HINT: Like ‘either’ and ‘neither’… break it up!
Rule 5 Practice Fix The Mistake: Everybody in the room talk loudly. Each of the students laugh at the teacher’s corny jokes. Someone who looks suspicious walk through the mall. Everybody in the room talks loudly. Each of the students laughs at the teacher’s corny jokes. Someone who looks suspicious walks through the mall.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule 6: The expression ‘the number’ is followed by a singular verb while the expression ‘a number’ is followed by a plural verb. Example: The number of people we need to hire is thirteen. A number of people have written about this subject. HINT: Make “the number” = 1 Make “a number” = 2
Rule 6 Practice Fix The Mistake: A number of people in the room is laughing. The number of stairs vary in each building. A number of animals in the Amazon rainforest has yet to be discovered. A number of people in the room are laughing. The number of stairs varies in each building. A number of animals in the Amazon rainforest have yet to be discovered.