ECE4007 Senior Design Project Linda Milor and Erick Maxwell
Instructors Linda Milor Office: Klaus 1354 Erick Maxwell Office: CRB 423
What Goes On In This Course Form design groups – 3 to 5 members Propose a design project – oral and written Classes on selected topics Group meetings with instructors Each group builds a Web Site PDR Presentations (10-15 mins.) Capstone Expo. Final Group Presentations (15-20 mins.) Final Report Final Demonstration
What Will Be Due Finalize groups (Aug. 27) Technical review paper (Sept. 4) Weekly status reports (due by on Tuesday) Project summary document (Dec. 2) Written project proposal (Sept. 18) Detailed project schedule and task leaders in weekly status report (starting Sept. 24 by ) PDR Presentations (Oct. 31) Final Presentations (Dec. 3) Capstone Expo (Dec. 5) Final Report (Dec. 10 – not Dec. 12) Final Web Site (Dec. 10) Demo (Dec. 12)
Grading Grades are assigned via the lecture The percentage of the grade determined by the section will be announced in lecture The project team determines 69% of the total grade in the section Everyone on the same team may not get the same grade
Grading Item Individual Team Total Teamwork & Professionalism 15% 15% Weekly Reports 5% 5% Written Proposal 15% 15% Design Review Presentation 4% 6% 10% Capstone Expo 5% 5% Final Report 15% 15% Final Presentation 12% 3% 15% Project Demonstration 20% 20% Total 31% 69%100%
Project Topic Requirement Software – Instruction Set/Processor (any type) Hardware – Processor/Sensors Application ONE NEEDS TO BE ORIGINAL
For Inspiration, see: 6fall/ece4006b/groupxx 7fall/ece4007l02/groupxx 8spring/ece4007l03/jsx 8fall/ece4007l02/lmx 9spring/ece4007l03/lmx xx = 1,2,…,10 x = 1,2,…,5
For Inspiration, see: 9fall/ece4007l02/lmx fall/ece4007l01/lmx 2spring/ece4007l03/lmx 2fall/ece4007l01/lmx xx = 1,2,…,10 x = 1,2,…,5
Example Projects Mobile robot-based projects - Add sensors and sensor processing to do complex tasks (vision tracking, velocity control and path planning, formation following) -Examples include: Temperature sensing and reporting on the web A method to monitor your home via the web A method to monitor a warehouse via intruder sensing and video feed to a remote site An autonomous snow blower
Example Projects RFID-based projects -Use an RF reader to identify items in a refrigerator and their expiration dates and keep this information in a database that can be remotely assessed over the web -Use an RF reader to identify people (assume RF tags are on an ID badge) and equipment and use a database to control the lock on a door to determine if a particular person can take that piece of equipment out of the door -An RFID-based pet feeding system, that dispenses food only to tagged pets at appropriate times -An RFID-based method to identify if all cars in a lot have permits
Example Projects More wireless projects -Automatically dispense drinks from a vending machine based on a wireless input, check the availability of funds, and manage the account through the web -Read the buzzcard upon entry into the on-campus bus system and bill users accordingly -Display restaurant menus on a hand-held device, allow orders to be make through the device, and produce a bill and enable payment though the hand-held device -Build a sound system that replaces wires between guitars and amplifiers with a wireless connection -Build a sound system where you can select the audio stream in a sports bar
Example Projects Gaming projects -Build an electronic chess board -Build an interface to enable the use of games from multiple manufacturers on a single display -Build an automatic hockey player, so that a user can practice without a partner -Adapted Pokemon to a tablet -Develop an electronic Rock’em Sock’em
Example Projects Home automation projects -Automatic lighting system with sensors that detect external lighting, automatic control of blinds, and automatic adjustment of internal lighting -Adaptive thermostat using Bluetooth -Web-based remote control of AV equipment -An system that silences a stereo system whenever a room is empty
Example Projects Sensor projects -Use IR sensors to determine if someone is in the path of a sprinkler, and if so, turn off the sprinkler -Use sensors to display the number and locations of available parking spaces in a parking lot -Use sensors to detect rain for an automatic windshield wiper system -Use sensors to detect tire pressure for an automated tire pressure maintenance system
Example Projects Automatic display projects - Perform frequency analysis of music and display lights or water pumps according to the frequency spectrum Speech recognition projects -A voice-activated calculator -A voice-activated remote control Music players and analysis -An automated piano player -A Theremin, with frequency analysis to train the user
GTRI Project Idea Sensor Project -GTRI Funded -More combat helicopters are lost to low visibility conditions than to enemy fire. -Situational awareness during poor weather conditions is of great importance to Special Operations Forces. -We need to develop a sensor-based system with processors and displays that is aware during snow, fog, rain, and dust-storms. -It must be of an acceptable size, weight, and power. -No ITAR restrictions. -P.O.C. Dr. Mick West
Project Ideas by Aaron Lanterman Beaglebone Black Capes - -The “capes” are the Beagleboad version of the Arduino “shields”: -The Beagleboard is sort of like a Raspberry Pi but quite a bit more powerful and with lots more connector things Hybrid Digital/Analog Music Synthesizer -Dr. Lanterman has advised three teams on this -Each team has used “lessons learned” by previous teams -Dr. Lanterman can help out with other music/audio type projects also
Project Ideas by Aaron Lanterman USB-to-Apple II Disk Controller -He has several old-school Apple II’s with old school Apple disk drives -He would like to get data directly off the disks without having to hook the drive up to an Apple II and get a serial card for the Apple -It would be cool to have a USB thing for your computer that lets you hook to one of these Apple drives. -Note that this project is a bit risky, since although the Apple drive is quite well documented, the project probably will involve a bit of reverse engineering.
Project Ideas by Aaron Lanterman USB-to-Apple II Peripheral Card Interface -The Apple II allowed plug-in cards with direct access to the bus -It would be fun to run these from a modern computer -He has various Apple II peripheral cards and more are available from ebay
Multidisciplinary Projects Meeting - Today at 5:30pm in IC103 Project Descriptions andidates/BMEME/index.html
Things to Think About Application - What are you doing and why is it novel and necessary? Market - Who is the customer? Cost -What is the product development cost, including design cost and parts? What is the manufacturing cost? Sales Volume - How many will you sell per year? What is the product lifetime?
How to Get Parts Borrow Parts –VL C363-C356: We have a collection from previous semesters (act quickly) Buy Parts –You buy it, you own it –GT Funds – Each group gets a budget of approximately $100 per person in the group; GT owns the parts. Company loan or gift
Design Process Determine application Write specifications –How will you measure performance? Hardware block diagram Software block diagram Determine/order parts Test parts of the project; test subsystems Integrate all parts together
Responsibilities Big picture and leadership Hardware Software Component Testing Integration and Testing Cost and Marketing Analysis Reporting
Hand In Information About Yourself Name Experience Project idea (if any) Group Members