PSD Motion Capture Device Professor : Yih – Ran Sheu Student : Shih-Ping Chou Student Id : MA PTT Production Rate : 100 % 1 This paper appears in: Microwave Conference, APMC Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC Asia-Pacific Issue Date: Dec On page(s): Location: Bangkok E-ISBN: Print ISBN: References Cited: 7 INSPEC Accession Number: Digital Object Identifier: /APMC Date of Current Version: /APMC
Outline Abstract Introduction System Overviews Estimation of 3D marker positions Experimental Results Conclusion 2
Abstract PSD Module Compact 、 Low Cost One-time calibration PSD 、 IR LED 3
Introduction Controlling virtual human motion including joysticks, mice, keyboards and custom console controllers. Capture systems designed for movie production, simpler infrared sensor-based systems. Includes an analog electro-optical sensor and IR LED markers that are placed on the object to be tracked. 4
System Overviews(1/4) 5 PSD Camera Module Active IR LED Markers Operating Procedures
System Overviews(2/4) 6 Fig 1. An active marker 。
System Overviews(3/4) 7 Fig2. PSD motion capture system(1)
System Overviews(4/4) 8 Fig3. PSD motion capture system(2)
3D marker positions(1/4) 9 Fig4.
3D marker positions(2/4) 10 Fig5.
3D marker positions(3/4) 11 Fig6.
3D marker positions(4/4) 12 Fig7. Distance measurement by using the detected intensity
Prototype of the proposed system(1/2) 13 Fig9. Measure from 75cm to 150cm
Prototype of the proposed system(2/2) 14 Fig8. Experimental to evaluate sensor performance
Distance between PSD and marker(1/3) 15 Fig9. Measure from 75cm~150cm
Distance between PSD and marker(2/3) 16 Fig10. Measure from 175cm~225cm
Distance between PSD and marker(3/3) 17 Fig11. Measurement error table
Conclusion Simple, low-cost, high speed motion capture system. PSD sensor module and active markers. Average error less than 30cm. Distance and large angles to be upgraded. 18
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