Ethiopia vs. Somalia By Destinee Gray


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Presentation transcript:

Ethiopia vs. Somalia By Destinee Gray The ogaden war Ethiopia vs. Somalia By Destinee Gray

The Ogaden War Who? What? When? Where? Why? Ethiopia and Somalia The Ogaden War was a conventional conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia over the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. When? 1977 and 1988 Where? Ogaden region of Ethiopia Why? The fighting erupted as Somalia sought to exploit (to make full use of) a temporary shift in the regional balance of power in their favor to occupy the Ogaden region, claimed to be part of the greater Somalia.

Origins of the War During the “Scramble For Africa” (a process of invasion, occupation, colonization, and annexation of African territory by European powers during the New Imperialism period [1881-1914]), the lands inhabited by the Somali people were divided between the relevant powers: Italy – Southern Somalia Great Britain – Northern Somalia along the Gulf of Aden Ethiopia has gained the respect of the European powers with its decisive victory at the Battle of Adwa and received the Ogaden region (part of Somalia) by treaty.

Origins of the war (cont.) Upon Somali’s independence in 1960, British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland united under one flag. By the beginning of the war, the Somali National Army (SNA) was only 35,000 men-strong, vastly outnumbered by the Ethiopian forces. The United States did not want to sever (break up) relations with Somalia because of the Soviet threat and strategic importance of Africa’s Horn region. As a result, the United States promised financial and military aid to Somalia. However, the Soviet-led Eastern bloc also offered a similar deal in pursuit of its geographic advantages, thus making Somalia a prize during the Cold War.

Origins of the war (cont.) The Soviet Union ultimately offered what Somalia wanted most: more military hardware [through the Russian Military Aid Agreement of 1963] to protect the Somali population in Ethiopia. Throughout the 1970s, Somalia was the recipient of large amounts of Soviet military force of Ethiopia and had a larger air force.

Origins of the war (cont.) Somalia received sufficient amounts of weapons from the Soviet Union. Such weapons are: MiG-21 [jet fighters] T-54 [tanks] SAM-2 [missiles]

Origins of the war (cont.) In 1965, General Siad Barre came to power in Somali and established a military government. The government pursued a path of non-capitalist development: Marxism (the political and economic theory of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that later developed as the basis for communism). United States influence in Somalia apparently ended as Somalia and the Soviet Union signed a prestigious treaty of friendship that soon grew to an alliance. General Siad Barre

Origins of the war (cont.) Somalia gained military strength while Ethiopia grew weaker. In September 1974, Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown by the Derg (the military council of Ethiopia) in favor of the Marxist pro-Soviet group. This gave the Soviet Union the opportunity to become close to the Ethiopians in order to further undermine United States influence and gain control over the Horn. Their aim was to use their friendship with both Ethiopia and Somalia to reconcile them to make a communist country.

Course of the war General Barre mounted an incursion (a sudden and brief invasion) into Ethiopia to take the Ogaden region. The Soviets, however, also made an alliance with Ethiopia and backed them in the Ogaden War against Somalia. The Soviet Union, finding itself supplying both sides of a war, attempted to mediate a ceasefire (truce). When their efforts failed, the Soviets abandoned Somalia and Barre renounced the Somali alliance with the Soviet Union.

Course of the war (cont.) All aid to General Barre’s regime was halted while arms shipments to Ethiopia increased. The Soviet Union supplied Ethiopia with 15,000 Cuban combat troops as well. Other communist countries offered assistance to Ethiopia.

Course of the war (cont.) What does Somalia do now? What just happened? General Barre turned to the United States for friendship. The United States accepted an alliance with Somalia. The Soviet Union switched from supplying aid to Somalia to supporting Ethiopia, which had previously been backed up by the United States. This prompted the United States to start supporting Somalia.

Course of the war (cont.) Still confused? There you go. . . THEY SWITCHED SIDES!

Course of the war (cont.) Who won? Casualties The Cuban troops contributed much to Somali’s many victories, but in the end, Somali forces retreated back across the border and a truce was declared. So. . . No one won.  Killed: 12,700+ Missing/Captured: 4,100+ Wounded: 12,900+

Works cited Obstacle-After-20-Years.htm bin/forum/ content/uploads/2010/10/US_STRATEGIC_INTEREST_IN_SOMALIA.pdf

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