Opening Question What is an economy? What comes to mind when you think of an “economy”?
Economic Changes From feudal/land ownership to mercantile A lot of resources = a lot of products Foreign trade
Economic Systems Look to answer the questions… What to produce? Who will produce it? How it will be produced? Include… Traditional (subsistence) Market Command
Traditional Make food/supplies for themselves Little surplus Trade only if available Sometimes called subsistence farming Poorer areas
Market People freely choose what to buy and sell Natural resources are abundant which means many products can be made Many types of businesses England began to transition to market economy during the Industrial Revolution
Components of Market Economy (Adam Smith) Free-enterprise: Competition of businesses to determine price McDonald’s dollar menu vs. BK’s value menu Supply and Demand: factors that determine price Demand goes up, price goes up…supply goes up price goes down Capitalism: businesses privately owned
Command Economy Government controls resources, production and prices Profit not necessarily important Look to provide for people if bread costs $1 to make but no one can afford, they will charge $0.25
Components of Command Economy (Karl Marx) Communism: economic and political system in which Communist party (government) controls production and resources Russian Revolution Socialism: collective ownership of land and production (in theory) Command Economies look to keep the playing field relatively level