OSN Archive: Current status and future implementations José Miguel Ibáñez Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía - CSIC Sierra Nevada Observatory First SVO Workshop on data publishing in the Virtual Observatory
Outline Observatory Instruments Data Archive Architecture Current status Future implementations Conclusions
Observatory OSN: Observatorio de Sierra Nevada ( Observatory located at the ski resort of Sierra Nevada (2896m), Granada (Spain) Founded in 1981 by IAA-CSIC Instrument Control Systems developed and maintained by IAA staff Optics maintained by IAA staff Remote, In-situ and Service observing Production: ~20 papers/year
Hard working conditions
Instruments T150cm CCD VersArray 2048B - 2k x 2k FOV ~ 8’ x 8’ Filtros: Johnson, Strömgren, Gunn, Molecular, Halpha, Emission, Cometary Albireo Spectrograph (CCD 2kx2k) Slit, Argus (IFU) 5 Diffraction Gratings Under upgrade (GAIA RVS duplicator)
Instruments (II) T90cm CCD VersArray 2048B - 2k x 2k FOV ~ 13’ x 13’ Filtros: Johnson, Strömgren, Gunn, Molecular, Halpha, Emission, Cometary Strömgren photometer simultaneous observations of the bands uvby bands n and w Crawford Hb photo-metric system
Instruments (III) – to be archived T60cm BOOTES-IR (under development) – GRBs alerts T35cm CCD Kodak 4008 x 2672 FOV ~ 30’ x 20’
Data Archive -
Data Archive Architecture Lector Automatically retrieve FITS files from the instruments (daily) Parse headers FITS renamed YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS..fit Insert data into BD User subscription and notification Generate report GUI Web interface Queries and data download (public & proprietary) Image & header preview
E-R Database
ADA project ADA (Archivo de Datos Astronómico) Funded by project P07-FQM2864 of Junta de Andalucía Started March 2008 First release: Sep 2009 Raw data (science & calibrations) Collaboration with company
Main functionalities Raw data (science & calibrations) Easy to add new instruments Edit XML config file Automatic user subscription OBSERVER keyword Public & Proprietary data Proprietary period: Metadata (headers): used defined, default to 1.5 year Data (images): used defined, default to 1.5 year Name Resolver (Sesame service) Outputs: html, csv, VOTable Download: Tarball
Development tools Linux OS: Debian 5 MySQL DB Apache Tomcat 6 GUI: Spring Framework v jQuery 1.3.x
Computer system 2 x CPU Xeon GHz (2 x 4 cores) 16 GB RAM 5 TiB RAID 5+1 Linux Debian IAA Radio-link OSN-IAA
Web interface: query
Web interface: results
Current status: numbers 60 users 2013: 210 GB / 68k files Total: 786 GB / 260k files)
Future developments Update OS: migration to Debian 7 Add Strömgren data (photometric tables) convert to FITS Improvements to Web interface Query optimization Improvement of user data search (by campaign ID) Improvement of file download process (dataset > 3000 files) Astrometric calibration (WCS): Astrometry.net VO services data publication ConeSearch SIAP (Simple Image Access Protocol) SSAP (Simple Spectrum Access Protocol)
Future++ developments Make available to the community observations taken before September 2009 ( ): CD/DVDs ingestion Reduced data Pipelines Spectra Image Photometric catalogs VO High level data products
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