JOHN CHAMPE CLUSTER CURRICULUM NIGHT MATHEMATICS Math Presentation: Susan Hollinger and Megan Neterer
Middle School Mathematics Progression Grade level Middle School Math Progression for the School Year Grade level By recommendation Grade level By recommendation
Course Comparison – Number Sense and Computation Comparing fractions, decimals, and percentages Positive exponents and perfect squares Operations & practical problems with fractions & decimals. Order of operations Identify, order, and compare integers Absolute value Ratios Square Roots Powers of 10 and scientific notation Evaluating expressions with positive and negative integers. Evaluate for a given variable. Proportional reasoning
Course Comparison – Measurement and Geometry Ballpark Comparisons with Customary and Metric Measurements. Properties of Quadrilaterals Congruence of segments, angles, and polygons. Perimeter, Area, and Circumference Surface Area and Volume of Rectangular Prisms Similar Figures Transformations Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders
Course Comparison – Probability & Statistics Construct and Compare Circle Graphs Calculating the Probability of Independent and Dependent Events Measures of Center Experimental and Theoretical Probability Construct and Analyze Histograms
Course Comparison – Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Sequences Properties of Real Numbers Solving One-Step Linear Equations Graphing coordinate points. Graphing Inequalities Translating Expressions Represent Functions with Tables, Graphs, Rules, and Words Solving Two-Step Linear Equations Practical Problems with Equations Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities
Middle School Math Placement Teacher Recommendation Performance in class SOL Scores County IA Assessment Basic Algebra and Geometry concepts are the foundation for future success. It is recommended that students take a math course every year in high school for college admission. Students in 7 th grade Algebra will be signing up for at least one AP math course, usually AP Calculus. Determined by….. Implications include……
Sample Mathematics Progression through Middle and High School 6th7th8th9th10th11th12th Math 6Math 7Algebra 1GeometryAlgebra IIAdvanced Algebra/Pre- calculus AP Calculus Math 6Math 7Algebra 1Geometry Functions, Algebra and Data Analysis Algebra II Advanced Functions and Modeling Accelerated Math 6/7 Algebra 1 GeometryAlgebra II Advanced Algebra/Pre- calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Accelerated Math 6/7 Algebra 1 GeometryAlgebra II/Trig Mathematical Analysis AP Calculus BC Multi- variable Calculus