Now that we have an understanding of various political and economic ideologies lets look more closely at globalization. Once we have an understanding of globalization the many connections we have made to various leaders and political systems found around the world will be that much clearer. 2
Are you an internationalist or a nationalist? Internationalism is a political movement which promotes greater economic and political cooperation between nations for the benefit of all. Supporters of this movement claim that nations should cooperate because their long-term mutual interests are of greater value than their individual short-term needs. Internationalism is by nature opposed to ultra-nationalism, jingoism and ethnocentrism, as well as to strictly economic globalization movements which deny the value of other nations' culture and differences. Internationalism recognizes other nations as equal, in spite of all their differences. 3
Nationalism is an ideology that holds that a nation is the fundamental unit for human social life, and takes precedence over any other social and political principles. devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism. the desire for national advancement or independence. the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations. the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations. the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals 4
Using Page 1 of your text write down the various definitions of Globalization that can be found 5
Our focus now revolves around understanding what the role of nations, companies, and individuals, should be when it comes to international relations. In order to understand these modern relations we will focus on understanding the idea of globalization. Globalization involves a series of economic, social, technological, cultural, and political changes seen as increasing interdependence, integration, and interaction between people and companies throughout the world. 6
Economically Increase in international trade Increase in international flow of capital including foreign direct investment Creation of international agreements leading to organizations like the WTO and economic cartels such as OPEC Development of global financial systems Increased role of international organizations such as WTO and IMF that deal with international transactions Increase of economic practices through multinational corporations Culturally Greater international cultural exchange, Spreading of multiculturalism, and better individual access to cultural diversity- more assimilation. Greater international travel and tourism Greater immigration, including illegal immigration Spread of local consumer products (e.g., food) to other countries (often adapted to their culture) World-wide Fads and Pop Culture. World-wide sporting events such as FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. Formation or development of a set of universal values 7
Technical/legal Development of a global telecommunications infrastructure and greater trans-border data flow, using such technologies as the internet. Increase in the number of standards applied globally; e.g. copyright laws and patents The push by many advocates for an international criminal court and international justice movements (see the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice respectively). Ideoscapes: the global spread of ideas and political ideologies. For example, Green Peace has become a worldwide environmental movement. Mediascapes: the global distribution of media images that appear on our computer screens, in newspapers, television, and radio. Healthcare, economic aid and development- list goes on 8
Based on our limited knowledge of globalization can you think of potential issues that may arise? Take a minute to write some down…. For more issues take a look at the blue box found on page 5 of your text. 9
Know the terms diversity, disparity, quality of life, standard of living. One can see global diversity and disparity through various geographic regions, political alignments, and economic zones. Interdependence is seen through aid, trade markets, technology sharing, migration, communications, and transportation. When it comes to aid and trade there are many different factors influencing it- As well aid comes in many forms- bilateral, multilateral, non-food, tied…. Quality of Life looks at many factors Are basic needs met? What is per capita income? What is the level of technology like in a certain area? Human rights? ▪ Standard of living is a big focus. ▪ What factors affect your quality of life? 10
Third World, Second World, and First World are a thing of the past. Developing and Developed are a little paternalistic/ modern…Why? Attempt to use terms like Global North and Global South 11
Economic development and economic interdependence can also be linked to many things. Geography, culture, markets, politics, resources, capital, technology. Is a country traditional or progressive? The level to which nations may see development enhance their country is often aided/hampered by resources, food, energy, and business psyche- role of multi-national corporations. 14
Write down from page 15 of your text the two main views of globalization…. 15
Knowing that there are various elements that contribute to globalization, what are the potential benefits and pitfalls? As a result of increased trade it can lead to an increased standard of living and prosperity to Global South/North countries. The intent is that economic prosperity will in-turn bring about social prosperity. As an engine of "corporate imperialism"; one which tramples over the human rights of developing societies, claims to bring prosperity often lead to plundering and profiteering. Negative effects include cultural assimilation via cultural imperialism and the destruction or inhibition of authentic local and global community, ecology and cultures. 16
Since globalization can be seen in different ways it is important to examine these areas in more detail. Political Social Humanitarian Economic Environmental Throughout the examination of each of these themes issues of Social Justice will also be explored. 17
What factors have had the most influence in shaping your identity? What 5 things have influenced you the most in being the way that you are? 18 Immediate Family Ancestors Traditions Spiritual/religious values beliefs Culture/ethnicity Language Community School Groups Teams Music Television Movies Hobbies Social media
Now that you have determined who you are and what you are about….think about how you are connected to the ‘bigger’ world. How does globalization influence your world? Read page 26 and discover what it means to be part of a collective. 19