Jean-Jacques Dohogne, ACR+ June 2015 Flanders Towards a prevention, reuse & recycling society?
ACR+ Network for local & regional authorities
Content Flanders, a small dynamic region… Pollution heritage Key waste & resource data How did Flanders reach 71% recycling? Is the system financially sustainable? Can we achieve even more recycling?
Flanders recycling performance 71% recycling today! 28,6% Waste-to-Energy 0,4% landfilling 18% 71% Why?
Flanders ± km² (45% of Belgium) Flat coastal plains in northwest, Central: rolling hills 6,4 million ± 440 inh./km² Flanders
Pollution heritage Preferred environmental option Least environmental option Prevention Prepare for reuse Recycling Other recovery Disposal Early 70’s till today < 60’s till 90’s As from 80’s till today Pollution Heritage As from 90’s till today The Waste hierarchy!
Pollution heritage Pollution Heritage +/ < 70’s
Pollution heritage Pollution Heritage 70’s – 80’s Dioxines, Furanes…
Pollution heritage Pollution Heritage 80’s Less landfilling and incineration Sanitation (soils) Emission norms Energy recovery Waste hierarchy Selective collection/ treatment Waste legislation impact…
Key waste & resource data Key data
Key waste & resource data (kg/cap/y) 331 kg 180 kg 148 kg Residual waste Selectively collected waste 74 kg 355 kg
Key waste & resource data Key data 355 kg/ cap/ y recycled Door-to-door Recycling park +/- 50%
Key waste & resource data = Key data Household residual waste
Flanders recycling performance 71% recycling today! 28% Waste-to-Energy 1% landfilling 18% 71% How?
Institutional set-up Flanders public waste authority (OVAM ) Municipalities are responsible bodies for the collection and treatment of household waste How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 71%
Institutional set-up Inter-Municipalities (IM) How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 71% Need for scaling up Need for keeping close contact with citizens Increasing costs Local authorities still decision makers: more control, more local management Efficiency of scale 306 out of 308 municipalities in IM
Flanders planning process How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 71%
< 1986 ’80s Shortage of capacity All in One 71% How Flanders reached 71% recycling?
All in One 1st FLANDERS HH WASTE PLAN + Recycling parks Taxes on landfilling & incineration Subsidise recycling parks (dry waste) How Flanders reached 71% recycling?
2nd FLANDERS HH WASTE PLAN or + Principle 1 = sorting at the source How did Flanders achieve 71% recycling? Introducing prevention & reuse % Legal/ economic instruments Dry Wet
3rd FLANDERS HH WASTE PLAN Recycling parks Selective collection Less More Compulsory selective collection (dry & wet) Landfill and incineration prohibitions Principle 2 = permanent sensitisation 71% How Flanders reached 71% recycling? Dry & Wet
How Flanders reached 71% recycling Door-to-door Proximity containers Recycling parks Special collection or 1/1000 inh 71% 1/18000 inh
What with misbehaviour? Illegal dumping How Flanders reached 71% recycling? € Fines up to 250 Euro Illegal burning
4 th FLANDERS HH WASTE PLAN Introducing concrete objectives by 2007 Waste prevention 13% 70% 150 As compared to 2000 How Flanders reached 71% recycling? Selective collection & recycling Max. kg/inh/y residual waste Full prohibition of landfilling of Hous. Waste
5 th FLANDERS HH WASTE PLAN Waste prevention 2%/y 75% Decoupling 75% How Flanders reached 71% recycling? Higher objectives & resource management Selective collection & recycling
How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 1.Representatives from local authorities are involved during the whole ‘waste management plan’ process 2.Strong bottom-up approach based on shared experience between central administration and local authorities 3.Above creates mutual ownership between central and local government 4.Regional financial support for local implementation Why successful? 71%
How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 1.Sensitising & communication 2.Organising an obligatory, optimal, uniform selective collection 3.Subsidizing & financial support 4.Stimulating inter-municipality cooperation 5.Applying the principle of the polluter pays (PAYT) 6.Implementing the producer’s responsibility (EPR) 7.Set environmental taxes on landfilling and incineration 8.Implementing landfill and incineration prohibitions Mix of instruments to reach objectives 71% Never copy/paste – choose own optimal mix
Municipal sources for financing + Central government Municipalities budget % Municipality inhabitant pays taxes (salary & property) PAYT contribution Regional government subsidies Revenues from sales Producer contributions EPR schemes Social correction for rent of bins or use of recycling yard Finances Financial sustainability of the system… % Fixed rate
Tariff policy evolution in Flanders <90s How Flanders reached 71% recycling? 2015 € 225/hhld/y
Prevention What does the Government support financially? Financial sustainability of the system… Selective Collection Finances
How Flanders reached 71% recycling? Citizen pays according to the waste generated Results €0,125/60l €1,8/60l €1,5/120l IncreaseIncrease
Can we achieve higher recycling rates? More More? 18% 71% 82%
Tariff policy evolution in Flanders How Flanders reached 71% recycling? € 225/hhld/y xx € 225/hhld/y
Conclusions 1.Consider the waste hierarchy at all times 2.Success requires a mix of instruments 3.Full commitment & support of all stakeholders essential 4.Waste policy has created a whole range of industrial activities 5.It creates secondary materials and saves primary resources 6.Waste management creates business opportunities, innovation and employment Key success factors…
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