Parent Night 2010 Mrs. Jackie Holt 1 st Grade West Nichols Hills Elementary
Folder Information ABC’s of First Grade B.E.E. Book Info. Checkbook Info. Class Procedures Multiple Intelligence Information Mini Holt./ Star of the Week 8 Expectations for Living “Tell Me About Your Child” Transportation/Emergency Contact Info.
Homework Policy Monday-Math & 15 minutes reading. Tuesday-Reading & 15 minutes reading Wednesday-English & 15 minutes reading Thursday-Spelling & 15 minutes reading –Your child will need to write missed words three times each and return on Friday. Homework packets are due on MONDAY. A new one will be sent home on MONDAY in the B.E.E. Book!
School Wide Discipline Policy Classroom Consequences: –1 st Offense-warning –2 nd Offense- loss of privilege. –3 rd Offense- loss of privilege/time out. –4 th Offense- recovery with another teacher. –5 th Offense- Call home/meeting with parents. An accumulation of 3 citations will result in a discipline committee referral. Behavior Sheet- Daily form sent home. –Community Service
Class Parties Two class parties –Christmas Party (Last name A-K) –Valentines Day Party (Last Name L-Z) Store bought bakery items only. Individual wrapped candy.
Uniforms Navy, khaki or tan-pants, shorts (not too short), skirts, skorts, or jumpers. White, blue, or yellow-polo shirts, pull- over shirts, buttoned shirts, blouses, turtlenecks, and school t-shirts. Not Allowed-no team logos, no jeans, no midriffs exposing tops. See district student dress code for any other prohibited items.
Grading Policy The lowest grade your child will receive on a paper will be a 50%. When needed, your child will have the opportunity to correct a paper and the two scores earned will be averaged together for a final grade to be placed in the grade book. –90-100: A –80-89: B –70-79: C –60-69: D –59 and below: F
Calendar Sporting Events Dance Recitals Other important dates –i.e. planned vacations/absences –birthdays –other important dates to your family
Student/Parent Handbook Information District Calendar (front cover) Emergency Care Policy (Page 4) School Visitors Policy (Page 5) Absences (Page 14) Wireless Devices (Page 23) Grading System (page 24-25) Smartweb Access (page 25) Class Work Make Up (Page 28) Student Code of Contact (Page 38) Verification of Receipt of Handbook-Sign (Page 52) Student Code of Conduct-Sign (Page 53) Volunteer Release Form-Sign (Page 54)
Contact Me…… PLEASE!!!!
Class Website What’s There??? Reading Homework Help Learning Websites 8 Expectations for Living Phonics Rules Classroom Forms And so much more!
Each day children do something that is worth celebrating!
Last But Not Least…. I’M HERE TO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! Questions????