Aubrey Wood Accounting Support Program Liaison (SPL) xt 1306
Creating a New report Creating and Editing the Row format Selecting the Column format Reviewing Existing Reports Modifying Reports Printing Financial reports Becoming familiar with, The Plus of FRW Column format revised What will we cover?
Designed to produce financial reports where the user has control over the style of output Row format style controlled in WT2 Column format standard in WT2 Full access for user definition in WT2+
Located in the GL Reports Menu User-Defined Report Titles Multiple fund Selections
FRW Designer
Access Edit Row Format + Add option from here will start a new blank row format for you to create your own customized Row Format.
Add, Delete, and Move options
Row Formats define the report lines that will be printed on the financial report. 1. Line Text determines what wording prints on the report 2. Line Type is used to format the report, there are many 3. Print is a yes no option to print the line (no for summary) 4. Is Currency to show as a $ value 5. Get From is for handling calculations 6. Sum To also for calculations FRW Row Format
FRW Row Format Line Types Line Type Blank LineTitle Centered on PageFDS Account Code Draw Horizontal LineTitle in Description Column Detail Account Type Page BreakTitle left of PageGL Account Line Underscore AmountsTitle Right of PageGL Account Mask Double Underscore Amount HUD Account CodeGL Account Range Report Group #1-3Major Account GroupTotal Line
Add lines to Row Format Sign Reversal changes the sign of value for calculation purposes
Line Type Account Code Run Master Account Listing in Reports to validate Account Types
Major Account Type Detail Account Types
Income Statement – Budget Comparison Used to show an Income or Revenue and Expense style report format. This type of column format shows account activity in the form of beginning balances, debit, credits and ending balance. Income Statement – Prior Year Comparison Used to show an Income or Revenue and Expense style report format. This type of column format shows account activity in the form of beginning balances, debit, credits and ending balance. Income Statement – Four column Used to show an Income or Revenue and Expense style report format. This format limits to the account, its description, Current period, & YTD ending balance. FRW Column Formats
Balance – Current Period and YTD Used to show account balances used for a balance sheet style report Balance – YTD Balance Sheet style columns with only the current Year To Date balances Balance – YTD with Prior Year Comparison Balance Sheet style columns with only the current Year To Date balances and Prior year balances Budget Comparison – Current Period Used to show current account balances compared to budgeted amounts in the current period only FRW Column Formats
Budget Comparison – Current Period with YTD Used to show current period and Year to Date account balances compared to budgeted amounts. FDS Report Used to consolidate multiple funds into a HUD specific FDS column format. Account balances are placed into columns based on the Fund Type of the fund used by the account.
Column Format Edit or Add report Wizard
Column Format Selection
Edit/Add Report
FRW Report This filter option removes lines with no values
Editing Shared Row Formats Tenmast Support can copy row formats so that you may make them unique so they may be edited singularly Editing one row format edits it for ALL reports that use it WT2+
FRW Main Report Selections Financial Report Writer Fund Cost Center (new) Report Date 13 and or 14
Cost Center is a part of the account segment
FRW Columns and Layout Note: All columns are drag and drop for removal or position moves
Saving a Layout Note: You can always change back to the full set of column choices by going back to the default layout option.
Formatting Right click on any column header for all these formatting options
Format option Group by this column
Column Chooser Any removed column is available to be added back to the report
To exclude zeros of a column filter by not equal to zero
Filter row appears under column headers entering numbers or letters quickly filters the report by that column containing that information
Save your print preview to export to excel
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