NOV-3733-SL-9715 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 1 KICK-OFF MEETING May 10-11, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

NOV-3733-SL-9715 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 1 KICK-OFF MEETING May 10-11, 2010

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 2 1.Reporting and deliverables 2.Payments 3.EC Controls 4.Project visibility and dissemination Project management / EC

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 3  Deliverables identified in Description of Work of the Grant Agreement: to be submitted according to the timetable specified in the Deliverables list (pp of DoW). Reporting towards EC – Deliverables

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 4  Major aim of reporting: show EC that their subsidies are well used!  Contractual reporting, within 60 days of the end of each reporting period (including the last reporting period). CARBONES has 3 reporting periods of 1 year each (beginning on April 1st, 2010)  Activity reports  Financial reports  Different from internal project reporting (internal project reporting required every 6 month) Reporting towards EC – Reports

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 5  The periodic report comprises:  An overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of milestones and deliverables identified in the Description of Work;  An explanation of the use of the resources;  A Financial Statement (Form C) from each beneficiary + summary financial report for all beneficiaries together;  Financial statements should be accompanied by certificates (Form D), when appropriate.  Original copies signed to be sent by surface mail to Coordinator who sends them to EC Reporting towards EC – Reports

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 6  The only way of submission is through SESAM  Register in ECAS (Commission’s Authentication Service):  Register in ECAS (Commission’s Authentication Service):  Once access granted, log in and submit documents via SESAM  What information should be submitted: 1.Deliverables 2.Publications 3.Patents (if relevant) 4.Periodic and final reports Additional information on SESAM see: Submission of reports

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 7 Requested by Coordinator - Every 6 month:  Task leaders submit their activity report to their WP leader within 10 days after the end of period  WP leaders submit their activity report to the Coordinator within 20 days after the end of period  Coordinator submits the consolidated activity report to EC within 30 days after the end of period (when applicable) Internal reporting

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 8  EC pays the Coordinator, who pays all Partners (bank account dedicated to the CARBONES project)  Coordinator pays Partners not later than 30 days after receipt of funds from EC  EC gives a first payment within 45 days after signature of grant agreement. This is the only pre-payment of the whole project  The other payments are due after the end of each reporting period  EC has 105 days after receiving the report to assess it and give the corresponding payment Payments

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 9  Financial Statements (FORM C) are submitted via  Financial Statements (FORM C) are submitted via FORCE  FORCE is a web based tool to edit and submit Forms C  Use your ECAS registration to enter FORCE (  Further information see  Further information see: 9 Submission of financial statements: FORCE

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 10  Worth remembering - EC keeps:  10% (retention rate) until acceptation of final report  5% for a guarantee fund (these 5% will be paid at the end of the project, if successful)  The CARBONES bank account is an interest-bearing account as provided for by EC. Interests generated must be declared and are subtracted from the amount paid by the Commission  Financial reports: EC uses them to check that 70% of the previous payment has actually been used (condition for the next payment)  Subsidy may be reduced or suspended if work programme late, partially met, not or badly executed… Payments

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 11 After reception of the reports the REA may:  Approve the reports and deliverables: REA disburses the corresponding payments within 105 days of their receipt unless the time-limit, the payment or the project has been suspended;  Suspend the time limit if reports/deliverables have not been supplied, are incomplete, unclear or raise doubts concerning the eligibility of costs claimed.  Suspend the payment at any time for the amount intended for the beneficiary(ies) concerned: for details see Article II.5 of Annex II (General conditions) to the grant agreement;  Reject the reports and deliverables by giving an appropriate justification and, if appropriate, start the procedure for termination of the GA. Approval of reports

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 12  Final payment once EC has approved final report and accounts If final budget exceeds forecasted budget: no extra payment by EC. Only the maximum amount of subsidy provided for in the Grant Agreement shall be paid If final budget lower than forecasted budget: EC applies the maximum subsidy rate (%) to the final budget  EC can call money back if total payments received by the project exceeds the final amount due by EC Remember: EC contribution = costs justified by partners & accepted by EC * funding rate (within the maximum budget forecasted) Remember: EC contribution = costs justified by partners & accepted by EC * funding rate (within the maximum budget forecasted) Payments

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 13  Audits undertaken by EC: ANY TIME during the project and within 5 years AFTER the end of the project Remember to keep ALL proofs of the expenses you’ve engaged (incl. transport tickets, transport invoices, attendees lists, work contracts, payrolls,…) for 5 years after the end of the project  Certifications on final statements: compulsory from 375 Keuros of subsidy (only 2 partners will have to provide them)  Commission's Research DGs have adopted a new and reinforced audit strategy. As a result the number of audits and participants audited will increase significantly. More information at: Controls by EC

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 14  Independent experts are appointed as reviewers to:  give external advice to the REA on the project for the period concerned  assist the REA by recommending any reorientation that may be required Controls by EC

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 15  The aim of EC is to support research at large… Publicity is therefore a claim of EC (if not respected, EC may partly retain subsidies, or even ask for reimbursement)  CARBONES website + workshops = main elements of project dissemination  Logos of the EU and the project + mention that the project is supported by the EU are compulsory in all publication or communication ( : original logos only) Project visibility and dissemination

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 16  All publications shall include the following statement: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/ ]) under grant agreement n°24316”  Remember every publication must be submitted 45 days before to the Coordinator and all Partners concerned (see Consortium Agreement)  During and after the project, the coordinator shall provide references and an abstract of all scientific publications relating to foreground at the latest two months following publication 10-11/05/ Project visibility and dissemination

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 17  Carbones Consortium Agreement  Carbones Grant Agreement  FORCE users’ manual and 3 SESAM users’ manuals  EU Financial guidelines, EU Reporting guidelines  Templates:  Time recording sheet  Activity report (internal) 10-11/05/ Documents provided in the USB key

NOV-3733-SL-9315 Carbones KOM - May 10-11, 2010 – Toulouse, France 18 Please ask us… Need more details? We’ll find the answer