Conditional Statements, Global Issues Spoken English IV Fujian Normal University.


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Presentation transcript:

Conditional Statements, Global Issues Spoken English IV Fujian Normal University

Brainstorm: Types of Pollution air pollution water pollution litter/solid waste pollution noise pollution

Types of Pollution air pollution (car exhaust, coal dust, sand, smoking, carbon emissions) water pollution (industrial waste, sewage, acid rain) litter/solid waste pollution (plastic bags, styrofoam boxes, disposable chopsticks, landfill) noise pollution (traffic, construction) greenhouse effect/global warming ( 温室效应, 全球变暖 )

What is sustainability? ( 可持续 ) “the capacity and ability to support, maintain or endure”

Capital? Natural? Natural Capital?

Autumn Maple Trees, Toronto Summer Banyan Trees, Fuzhou

Natural Capital Resources Resources are anything obtained from the environment to meet plant, animal and human needs. Primary resources are: air, water, soil, energy and minerals.

Resources: Perpetual and Renewable Perpetual: renewed continuously on a human scale Changjiang Ao Windfarm, Pingtan

Resources: Perpetual and Renewable Renewable: can be replenished fairly quickly on a human scale Christmas tree farm

Resources: Non-renewable Non-renewable: exist in essentially fixed quantities on the earth; Open pit mine, Australia

Natural Capital Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-Renewable Using the following photographs, state which kind of resource each of these are: Solar Power: perpetual Coal: non renewable

Natural Capital Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-Renewable Wind Power: perpetual Forests: renewable Oil: non-renewable

Natural Capital Resources Perpetual Renewable Non-Renewable Hydro power: renewable Geothermal: perpetual Natural gas: non-renewable

Sustainable living Sustainable living does not use non- renewable resources. Sustainable living uses renewable resources only at the rate at which they can be replaced.

Complaining Constructively Complaints can be helpful if you can provide reasons why something doesn’t work or is unliked problem  root cause  solution “Too much/many”“Not enough” Much (non count words) Many (count words) Eg. I don’t like this classroom. There’s too much organized activity and not enough time to practice

Practice complaining constructively ComplaintToo much/manyNot enough The food on campus is terrible! This is a poor village I don’t like studying here I need a bigger room I can’t date him/her Life in Fuzhou It’s difficult to travel

“Too many/much and not enough” Pollution typeToo much/manyNot enough Air Water Solid Waste Noise Acid rain Greenhouse effect

Green Earth Volunteers:

China Environmental Protection Foundation 曲 格平 (Qu GePing, Former Environment Protection Minister of China)


FNU PETS Oral English 2012 Suppositional Statements: “If I had a million dollars…” If (I/you/he/she/they) (past tense)…, (I/you/he/she/they) would (verb)…. Example: If I were prime minister of Canada, I would improve relations with China. If I were a rich man, I wouldn’t ride a bicycle. “I’d” = “I would”

If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you a house ( I would buy you a house) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you furniture for your house (maybe a nice chesterfield or an ottoman) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you a K-car (a nice Reliant automobile) If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love If I had a million dollars I'd build a tree fort in our yard If I had a million dollars You could help, it wouldn't be that hard If I had a million dollars Maybe we could put a refrigerator in there Wouldn't that be fabulous!

If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I’d buy you a fur coat (but not a real fur coat, that's cruel) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you an exotic pet (like a llama or an emu) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you John Merrick's remains (All them crazy elephant bones) If I had a million dollars, I'd buy your love If I had a million dollars We wouldn't have to walk to the store If I had a million dollars We'd take a limousine ‘cause it costs more If I had a million dollars, we wouldn’t have to eat Kraft dinner

If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you a green dress (but not a real green dress, that's cruel) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd but you some art (A Picasso or a Garfunkel) If I had a million dollars (If I had a million dollars) I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?) If I had a million dollars If I had a million dollars I'd be rich!

If you had a million dollars (630 万 RMB), what would you do? If you were in a car accident, what would you do? If you could be any person in the world, who would you be? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? If you could reform the environment protection laws, what would you do?

FNU PETS Oral English 2012 If you bought a car, what kind of car would you buy? (explain your answer) If you had a chance to visit any country in the world, where would you go? (explain your answer) If you could meet any person in the world, who would it be? (explain your answer) If you found a 100 RMB bill on the sidewalk, what would you do? If you were premier of China, what would you do?

What’s that Nationality? USA Canada Germany Switzerland Thailand Vietnam France Brazil Mexico England Russia Indonesia Israel Poland American Canadian German Swiss Thai Vietnam French Brazilian Mexican English/British Russian Indonesian Israeli Polish Malaysia Egypt Italy Portugal Australia Austria South Africa Mongolia Korea Japan Philippines Spain Pakistan Malaysian Egyptian Italian Portuguese Australian Austrian South African Mongolian Korean Japanese Philippino Spanish Pakistani Lab See “Gapminder World” and answer the following questions: What colour are the Asian countries? What countries have the longest life expectancy? What countries are the richest? What continent is the poorest? What does the size of each circle represent? Red Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Italy Macau,Qatar, Luxembourg Africa Population

Question 1: Global Health The Gapminder Quiz What country today have the longest life expectancy? a.United States b.Israel c.Japan

Question 2: Global Health The Gapminder Quiz Which country today has the lowest death rate during the first year of life? a.Singapore b.Sweden c.Venezuela

Question 3: Economic Growth The Gapminder Quiz In which country is the average income per person highest today? a.Ireland b.Kuwait c.South Korea

Question 4: Economic Growth The Gapminder Quiz In which country is the average income per person highest today? a.Ireland b.Kuwait c.South Korea

Question 5: Population Growth The Gapminder Quiz In which country today do women, on average, marry at the oldest age? a.Algeria b.Canada c.Philippines

Question 6: CO 2 emissions The Gapminder Quiz Which country emits the most tonnes of CO 2 ? a.China b.France c.United States

Question 6: CO 2 emissions The Gapminder Quiz Which country emits the most tonnes of CO 2 per person today? a.China b.France c.United States

Distribution of world carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion, 2009 Environment Canada August 2012