Division III Financial Aid Reporting
Session Outline Staying Compliant with NCAA Division III Financial Aid Requirements Revised Level I Review criteria for the reporting cycle
Staying Compliant with NCAA Division III Financial Aid Requirements
Creation of the Resource August 2014 memorandum from the Division III Financial Aid Committee titled, “Importance of Conducting a Student Financial Aid Self- Assessment”Importance of Conducting a Student Financial Aid Self- Assessment Two ways to assess compliance with Bylaw 15 Division III Financial Aid Reporting Program Self-Assessment The resource is intended to facilitate communication across all campus constituencies.
Campus Constituencies Athletics Director of Athletics Compliance Officer Enrollment Financial Aid Director Admissions Director VP for Enrollment Other DevelopmentFoundation Other Campus Department
Resources FADMS School Profile Report Review History and Trend Report FADMS Users Manual Policies and Procedures Worksheet Financial Aid Office FA Policies and Procedures Award Descriptions and Applications Athletics Department Division III Manual Legislative Services Database (LSDBi) Conference OfficeNCAA Staff
Assessment Cycle Compilation of Policies and Procedures Regular and Periodic Meetings Two Part Test – Substantive and Impact Utilize Available Resources Ongoing Monitoring
Consideration of Athletics No consideration of athletics participation, ability, performance or leadership Consideration of athletics Leadership grants Endowments with a stated consideration of athletics Bylaw parallel and filtering-out athletics Bylaw (a) and
Unjustified Impact The proportion of student-athletes should be closely equivalent to the proportion of aid they receive The proportionality test Determine the root cause of the difference Bylaw (c) and (d)
Athletics Staff Involvement Athletics staff should play no role in the determination of institutional gift Interaction versus Influence Cannot “arrange or modify” a financial aid package January 7, 2013 Official Interpretation Bylaw
Wrap-Up Compile all policies and procedures for determining student financial aid Ensure key stakeholders are involved Conduct the Two-Part Test Substantive Impact Use available resources Regular and periodic monitoring
Revised Level I Review Criteria Proposed by the Financial Aid Committee in November 2014 and approved by the Management Council in January reporting cycle opening June 1, 2015 Analysis of impact of the existing policies with ten years of data Notification sent to campuses in March
Revised Level I Review Criteria Affects the criteria used to select schools for initial review Projected to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the program Does not impact the legislative requirement or the way in which data is submitted Designed to enhance the program, not reduce the impact of it
Review Criteria The variance estimate (i.e. four percent threshold) discontinued Identification of a significant number of outlier award packages in a particular sport in one year Other review criteria remain intact Proportionality difference Difference in the proportion of financial need met
Variance Estimate Discontinued Minimize the discrepancy between the review criteria and discovered violations Minimize burden on institutions that regularly exceed the four percent threshold but maintain compliance
The Sport Filter 1 An outlier is determined by comparing the amount awarded to the amount statistically predicted. 2 If that difference is statistically significant it is considered an outlier. 3 The student-athlete outlier cases are then grouped by sport and each sport is examined to determine whether a threshold number of outliers exist to warrant further review.
The Sport Filter Incoming Overall Sport Group SizeMinimum Number of Outliers Required 1Exempt and above3
Impact of Sport Filter Reporting CycleSport Number in Incoming Sport Group Number of Outliers 2011Football NONE 2013NONE 2014Women's Basketball52 The following table details the sports identified as outliers for Your College in each of the past four reporting cycles. If a sport (or sports) is identified in a given cycle, your institution would have met the criteria for the sport filter and a review by the committee would have followed. If no sport is identified, the criteria for the sport filter were not met.
Wrap Up New policies have no impact on the legislated reporting requirement, how data is reported or the review process Variance estimate discontinued One-year sport filter adopted Notification sent to campuses in March