WP1 Final report
Project Schedule > June 2015 Duration (months) 1 May Jan Jan Azg No v Jan June 2015 WP 1: Management WP 2: Analysis of the current regulation framework WP3: Recommendations for a regulatory framework WP 4: Training Program WP 5: Communication, Promotion and Dissemination WP 6: EACI Dissemination Activities Project meetings x x x x x x Project reports to EACI PR IR 2ºPR FR c Project deliverables
Reporting (Article I.6) Technical progress reports (PR) – Number and periods covered depend on the duration of the contract Interim report (IR) – Within 30 days of end of reporting period – Includes interim financial statement in currency used in accounts of beneficiary Final report (FR) – Within 60 days of action completion – Covers the whole duration of the action – Includes the final financial statement in currency used in beneficiary’s accounts
Technical Final report Draft from EGEC (29th june 2015) Inputs and comments from partners (17th of july 2015): -Comments on reporting -Inputs for Table 2: Indicative state of advancement of hours Final version (30/07/2015)
Financial Final Report Single or Consolidated (for association with members) Staff Costs Subcontracting Travel Other direct costs -Draft from EGEC (19th june 2015) -Draft from partners (1 st july 2015) -2 hard copies, signed, by post (19 th july 2015)
Technical Final report NEW = Inputs chap.3 from partners
Financial Final Report Staff Costs -Staff or consultant -Name -Category (expert, etc.) -N° of hours (timesheets) -Hourly rate (justifaction) -Timesheets and justification asked on a random basis
Financial Final Report Subcontracting (website, software, staff) -Name subcontractor -N° invoice -Date -Description (Check your annex II and CPF) -Amount -Copies of the 3 biggest invoices attached with the final financial report -The author hereby confirms that the selection of subcontractors complied with rules laid down in the grant agreement.
Financial Final Report Travel -Name -Destination -Date -Duration -Purpose -Amount -Copies of invoices asked on a random basis, attached with the final financial report
Financial Final Report Other direct costs (catering, renting, printing) -Name supplier -N° invoice -Date -Description (Check your annex II and CPF) -Amount -Copies of the 3 biggest invoices, attached with the final financial report
FAQ, issues -Claim VAT or not -If outside eurozone, type of exchange rate used -Contact person, person in charge, signature -Inhouse/staff, hourly rate of CPF -Travel costs only for staff, other travels go to otehr direct costs. Link with meetings and events..justification with WP activities: ppt etc. -Other costs: provide all information, check consistency with CPF -Budget transfer is automatic if below 20% > consolidated financial statement
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