XCAT Science Portal Status & Future Work July 15, 2002 Shava Smallen Extreme! Computing Laboratory Indiana University
Outline 1.Current Status: a.Architecture b.Case Study: Grappa i.US-ATLAS ii.GriPhyN 2.Future Work: a.Recent developments i.Web portal frameworks & portlets ii.Application Factory Web Services (AFWS) iii.Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP) b.xportlets
Motivation Lots of Grid tools & services Requires a good deal of expertise to –develop an application –use an application (more than what many users want to know) Grid portal: –web portal by which users can access Grid tools & services –common approach XCAT Science Portal screenshot
XCAT Science Portal Grid portal framework for building personal science portals Active notebook (execution management) –HTML pages to describe the features of the notebook and how to use it –HTML forms which can be used to launch parameterizable scripts –Results archived - parameters stored in a sub-notebook (previously known as Active Notebook project )
Scripts Very flexible Jython - access to Java classes –Globus Java CoG kit –XCAT –XMESSAGES Not every user has to write scripts Notebooks can be shared among users –Import/export capability jython script app1 portal Grid Invoke jython interpreter Launch app1 parameters
Portal Web Server (tomcat server + java servlets) Jython Intepreter Notebook Database GSI Authentication XCAT Science Portal Architecture User’s Web Browser Grid
Case Study: Grappa Grappa: Grid access portal for physics applications –provide a Grid portal front-end by which physicists can manage computation and data Joint work with Rob Gardner’s group (IU Physics & U. of Chicago Physics) –Part of the ATLAS collaboration (US- ATLAS) Subproject of Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN)
ATLAS Detector for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN 2000 physicists, 150+ universities & laboratories, 34 countries Expected to be on-line in 2006 Why the Grid? –Raw data: 2 PB/yr –Analysis: 8 PB/yr Participant in several Grid projects: LCG, GridPP, INFN Grid, DataGrid, PPDG, GriPhyN/IVDGL ATLAS detector
XCAT Science Portal & ATLAS Athena = ATLAS software framework Athena Notebook Prototype/Demo –ATLAS Software Week (March) –Allow user to submit sequence of Athena job options files to US-ATLAS testbed resources –File staging, remote job option file editing, basic monitoring, ad-hoc viz –Packaged with Pacman – installed with single command Distributed to US-ATLAS testbed this month –Interactive jobs –Production – scripting interface to launch and portal to monitor
GriPhyN: Grid Physics Network Targets data-intensive applications –ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, and SDSS Provide a set of tools for collaborative data analysis –90% of data is derived –Virtual data - transparency with respect to location and materialization Data replicated & distributed – transfer or recompute
Virtual Data Browser Search virtual data Publish virtual data: create transformations and derivations Application Planner Executor Catalog Services Info Services Policy/Security Monitoring Repl. Mgmt. Reliable Transfer Service Compute ResourceStorage Resource DAG User Profile – bookmarks, credential mgmt, resource mgmt, etc. Provide functionality analogous to that of a web browser
Outline 1.Current Status: a.Architecture b.Case Study: Grappa i.US-ATLAS ii.GriPhyN 2.Future Work: a.Recent developments i.Web portal frameworks & portlets ii.Application Factory Web Services (AFWS) iii.Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP) b.xportlets
Web Portal Frameworks Separation of appearance & functionality –User customization of appearance (multi-user support) –Functionality packaged into portlets Examples: IBM Websphere, Apache Jetspeed, etc. Many Grid portal efforts Encourages interoperability Jetspeed screenshot
Application Factories Applications are difficult to deploy –Libraries, licensing, environment setup, etc. –E.g., Athena: 10 GB library, Redhat 6.1 Web services approach –XCAT implementation –App. factory web service (AFWS) is a stateless, persistent service and launches one instance of the application –Distributed component applications Both individual components and composite application are web services
WSRP Specification Web Services for Remote Portals Generic proxy portlet –Talks to any remote WSRP-enabled web service Web service handles content WSRP web service registry Advantage? –No installation required; just contact WSRP web service
Putting It Together AFWS Registry app1 Application coordinator Application instance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Grid Portal AFWS proxy portlet Notebook(s) AFWS jython scripts Archiving (sub-notebooks) Portal Grid AFWS = Application Factory Web Service
xportlets Use Jetspeed as web portal framework –Open source from apache xportlets – bundle of portlets –AFWS proxy portlet –MyProxy portlet –Xmessages pull –GridFTP File Browser Scripting API to create Application Factories –Different kinds – XCAT, notebooks, etc.
Summary Current XCAT Science Portal architecture –Active notebooks, scripts Case Study: Grappa –US-ATLAS –GriPhyN Redesign to portlet & web services architecture –Jetspeed takes care of presentation –Interoperability – pluggable into any portlet- enabled portal framework –Easy deployment – web services & generic proxy
More Information Extreme! Computing Laboratory: XCAT Science Portal: Grappa: xportlets: (coming soon…)
Putting It Together AFWS Registry AFWS Notebook(s) Component instance Component instance component Instance Application coordinator Application instance (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) jython scripts Grid Portal AFWS proxy portlet Archiving (sub-notebooks) Portal Grid AFWS = Application Factory Web Service